Weinstein, Joan (owner) – Fort Lauderdale

Killing Places:

East Cypress Women’s Center
962 E Cypress Creek Rd
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334-4110


5341 NE 33rd Ave
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

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DOB: 08/26/1943

Ultrasound bill just pandering to conservatives, kill it
May 18, 2010

Freedom: Is it for everyone, or only the Republicans in Tallahassee? Shame on them, once again, for attempting to interfere with a woman’s right to choose that which is appropriate for her and her alone. In attaching this abortion amendment to such an innocuous bill, they not only show their own smug bigotry but also their ignorance. A first-trimester ultrasound shows practically nothing. To force this viewing into law is just another exercise in pandering to their uber-conservative base. A woman who has made this incredibly difficult decision needs acceptance, not accusations. Hopefully, the newly independent Gov. Crist will use his veto pen to show them that women’s rights are equal to men.

- Joan Weinstein, Fort Lauderdale

Independent Art Historian?
Monday, October 25, 1993

Kultur-Kommerz-Kommunikation is a three-month lecture series organized by the Smart Museum designed to track social change in Germany and Austria in the first half of the century. Things kick off this evening at 5:30 with “Kathe Kollwitz and the Image of the Proletarian Woman in the 1931 Abortion Debate,” a paper by independent art historian Joan Weinstein. She’ll talk about how depictions of women changed with the 1929 economic collapse and how that change affected the abortion debate. Lectures continue every Monday at 5:30 through December 13 at the Cochrane-Woods Art Center, 5540 S. Greenwood (across from the museum). They’re free, with no reservations required. Call 702-0200.

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