Since 1996, The Forerunner has been listing abortionists on-line in order to expose their “fruitless deeds of darkness” (Ephesians 5:11). We publicly identify abortionists, abortion clinic owners and promoters. The practice of placing the names of abortionists on this website has a two-fold purpose:
1. To ask for your prayers for the conversion of those listed.
2. To expose OB-GYN abortionists to all their patients, especially to those who don’t know that they perform abortions.
We hope that Christians will genuinely reach out to these individuals in a spirit of love with a message of redemption through Jesus Christ. The purpose is never to harass, threaten or intimidate. We have written articles and position papers condemning any sort of violent threats or intimidation toward anyone involved in abortion.
- Justifiable Homicide?
- Dr. George Tiller and Defensive Action
The following lists will always be incomplete and need updating due to the transient nature of the abortion industry. And that is why we need constant help. If you see any inaccuracies here or are able to give input, please email“ us. Our desire is that the individuals listed here will know the love of God, repent of the sin of child murder and become followers of Christ as so many before them have done.
- A Killer Template
- Applegate, Gerald Brian (verified) – Doral
- Arcelin, Gostal (watch list) – Boca Raton
- Azima, Ali Asghar (owner, verified) – North Fort Myers
- Baill, I' Cori (verified, promoter) – Orlando, Lakeland
- Barquet, Luis (deceased) - Miami
- Bazile, Frantz (owner, verified) – Miami
- Benjamin, Michael J. (owner, verified) – Miami
- Betancourt, Fernando Ricardo (verified) – Ft. Myers, Sarasota, Tampa
- Bodman, Uzy (verified) Hialeah, Miramar, Plantation
- Braithwaite, Sylvester Reynold (owner, verified) – North Miami Beach
- Britton, John Bayard (verified, deceased) – Fernandina Beach
- Broadnax, Gary B (retired, watchlist) – Augusta, GA
- Brown, David Steven (verified) – Hialeah, Miramar
- Bundy, Ralph Lawson (verified) – Daytona, Orlando
- Buonopane, Edward Joseph (verified) – Davie
- Cohan, Carol (promoter) – Miami
- Davy, Kristin (owner) - Gainesville
- DeHaan, Quentin C (verified) – Clearwater, Tampa
- Dresden, Gary (verified, owner) – Clearwater, Tampa
- Dresden, Scott Charles (verified) – Delray Beach
- Duncan, Stephen Wiley (verified, owner) - Tallahassee
- Egherman, William Phillip (deceased) - Gainesville
- Elneser, Rafael M (verified) - Miami
- Estes, Christopher Michael (verified, promoter, instructor) – Miami
- Fanarjian, Nicole Joy (verified) – Sarasota
- Felski, Emil F. (verified) - Orlando
- Florida Abortionists
- Friefeld, Richard Stuart (verified) – North Miami
- Gengelbach, James Gordon (verified, watchlist) – Lakeland, Jacksonville, Tampa, Altamonte Springs, Gainesville
- Gil, Magaly (owner) – Miami
- Gonzalez, Belkis (owner) – Hialeah
- Graber, Benjamin (verified) – Coral Springs
- Guerrero (Dye), Candace M. (owner) – Fort Pierce
- Idtensohn, Susan Rodman (Planned Parenthood CEO, retired) – Orlando
- Jones, Malcolm Wells (verified) – Clearwater, Tampa, Lakeland
- Kachinas, Matthew Jay (verified, suspended) – Venice
- Keene, William Philip (verified) – St. Petersburg, Pensacola
- Kelly, Patrick Joseph (verified, owner) – Jacksonville
- Killer: A Definition
- Lehrer, Theodor (verified) – Fort Lauderdale
- Livingston, Robert Michael (watchlist, permanently suspended) – Vero Beach
- Lucas, Spurgeon LeRoy (promoter, deceased) Washington DC, Roe v. Wade lawyer
- Lupi, Carla Shyrl (verified, promoter, instructor) – Miami
- Maurer, Susan (owner) – Miami
- McCree, Douglas Gene (verified) – Naples
- Miller Jr., Herman (verified) - Jacksonville
- Miller, Lawrence Whitefield (retired, watchlist) - Jacksonville
- Morris, Merri Beth (verified) - Tampa, Ocala
- Nauert, George Michael (verified, deceased, owner) - Palm Harbor
- Nauert, Jodell Lynne (owner) Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Tampa
- Nisbet, Kieron (worker, watchlist) - Hialeah
- Norris, Paul Michael (verified, promoter, instructor) – Miami
- Osborne, Robelto (revoked, watchlist) – Miami
- Patel, Rupa Dilipkumar (verified) - Tampa, Orlando
- Peguero, Felicita (owner) – Miami
- Peguero, Maria (owner) – Miami
- Pendergraft, James Scott (owner, verified) – Orlando, Ocala, Tampa, Fort Lauderdale
- Perper, Zvi Harry (verified) – Delray Beach
- Poy-Wing, Celina (owner, suspended) – Plantation
- Prabhakaran, Sujatha (verified) – St. Petersburg
- Quintana, Jose Raul (verified) – Tampa, Orlando
- Raum, Mary Elwin Pugh (verified) – Gainesville
- Ravi, Himagiri G. (verified) – Lakeland
- Reis, Mona S (owner, promoter) – West Palm Beach
- Renelique, Pierre Jean-Jacques (watchlist, revoked) - Hialeah
- Rodriguez, Frank (verified) – West Palm Beach
- Rodriguez, Jose (former owner, watchlist) – Miami
- Rosenthal, Evelina Mira (owner) – Miami
- Rosenthal, Vladimir (verified, owner) – Miami
- Roth, Harvey Craig (verified) – Boca Raton
- Sanchez Jr., Joe (deceased) – Lakeland
- Senises, Siomara (owner) – Miami
- Sibley, Paul Leslie (verified, deceased) – Gainesville
- Snydle, Frank Emil (null and void, deceased) – Winter Haven
- Sobieski, Tammy (owner) – Orlando, Daytona
- Spagnolo-Hye, Scott Evan (verified, watchlist) – Orlando, Tampa, Ocala
- Spence, Mark R (verified) – Hialeah
- Stockman, Cynthia D. (owner) – Fort Lauderdale
- Stockman, Richard T. (owner) – Fort Lauderdale
- Van Scriver, Kimberly Pauline (verified) – Jacksonville
- Vergara, Natali (owner, administrator) – Hialeah, Miramar
- Waterman II, Philip F. (verified) – Naples, Fort Myers
- Watson, Edward Ray (verified) – Miami
- Weinstein, Joan (owner) – Fort Lauderdale
- Whaley, Walker L. (verified, deceased) – Jacksonville, Gainesville
- Whitney, Randall Brooks (verified) – Orlando
- Windle, Edward (owner, retired, watchlist) – Melbourne
- Windle, Patricia Baird (owner, retired, watchlist) - Melbourne
- Wolf, Lewis Sidney (verified, revoked) - St. Petersburg, Tampa, Melbourne
Why We List Abortionists (1998)
A friend of mine found an email I received back in 1998 and the response I wrote. What amazes me is that I recently picked up the vision again for the Florida Murder Industry website and I still sound a lot like I did back in 1998.
As far as I know, a group of us in Melbourne, Florida were the first pro-life activists to create a website listing abortionists’ information that we culled from various public sources. At the time, it was newsworthy and was mentioned in at least one major feminist magazine, Madamoiselle, and in the local press. Here is someone claiming to be a journalist asking for quotes for an article of some type. – JCR
——-Original Message——- From: Jay Rogers [] Sent: Monday, November 02, 1998 11:58 AM To: Marian Jones Subject: Re: Web site
Dear Mr. Rogers:
I am a journalist doing a story about violence at abortion clinics, and the response of people on both sides of the debate in the wake of the latest violence. I am writing to ask you about your web site, specifically why you have the names and home phone numbers of abortionists on the site. — Also, was wondering what you think about the abortion-clinic violence.
Sincerely, Marian Jones
Dear Marian,
I condemn all abortion clinic violence. I do not wish harm to come to any abortion doctor, patient or unborn child.
I own a house across the street from a well-known abortion clinic in Melbourne, Florida, Aware Woman Center for Choice. From there I am involved in various Christian media endeavors as well as helping to establish a pro-life crisis pregnancy outreach.
For years, I have been concerned about the number of women injured by this particular clinic. The doctors recruited by the clinic are known as “butchers” in the abortion industry. A few years ago, one woman, Maureen Tyke, died after an abortion at Aware Woman. In the last two years, at least four women have been taken to the hospital in ambulances with injuries. Two were believed to have had perforated uteruses. On woman called the local pro-life group to say that she had delived her premature baby in a toilet after supposedly having had an abortion at Aware Woman.

Sadly, these stories are common. Abortion may be legal, but it is not safe.
The local pro-life group in Melbourne has been effective in getting many abortionists to quit coming to Melbourne. This is done by peaceful, legal, loving confrontation. We have gone to abortionist’s neighborhoods to picket at their houses. Two years ago, an abortion doctor in Jacksonville, Florida quit coming to Melbourne because we exposed the fact that he was an abortionist to his family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and other patients.
This doctor was replaced by a full-time abortionist who we knew from various sources was flying down from Cincinnatti each week to perform abortions in Melbourne. The web site, “Melbourne’s Abortion Industry” was created two years ago as a way to identify him. This doctor has had a bad record with injuries of women. We had only a photo and physical description of the doctor. As a web site administrator, I had the idea of placing the photo on a web page and asking pro-lifers around the country if they knew who he was. We included a short physical description. We ascertained his identity within one week.
After identifying the doctor, we then set out to document the instances of life-threatening, illegal, unethical and unprofessional practices by the abortion clinic. These are legion. We included 911 emergency calls to the local hospital after women had been injured at Aware Woman;video files of ambulances arriving at the clinic; and testimonies of women who were injured at Aware Woman.
We also publish testimonies of women who chose life instead of abortion.
We believe that if women know the dangers of abortion to their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, some will seek alternatives. The web site does not encourage violence towards anyone. We want to protect women and unborn children.
We want unethical abortionists to be exposed to the public, to their family, neighbors, friends, and especailly their patients. Most obstetrician- gynecologists have pro-life patients who abhor abortion. We want to let them know their doctor also performs abortions for money.
In the past few years, many abortionists and clinic workers have become Christians and have quit. Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade) are two famous examples. They both testify that being confronted lovingly by pro-lifers led to their conversion. We hope that more abortionists will repent of the sin of abortion and become Christians.
Those who do not repent in their hearts must still be persuaded to stop doing abortions for a living. We try to make it easy for them to stop by exposing the fact that they are abortionists to their patients who are pro-life. Faced with the prospect of losing their pro-life patients, many abortionists quit doing abortions.
We give them a clear choice. Either they will stop coming to Melbourne to do abortions or they will have to become full-time abortionists. Faced with these two options, we believe that most will quit coming to Melbourne.
We publish the names, addresses, and phone numbers of abortionists, because we want them to be ashamed of exposure. We want Christians who live in their area to peacefully and lovingly confront them. Many abortionists are ashamed of what they do. They will quit if they are exposed to the public. We have removed this more personal information of abortionists who have quit coming to Melbourne.
With the information super-highway expanding at a phenomenal rate, this type of web site will soon become common. Soon there will be information about every abortionist in America posted on the world wide web. Faced with this exposure, young OB-GYN interns coming out of medical school will have to decide if they want to face public scrutiny. Abortion may be legal, but many people believe that it is an evil, abhorrent practice. It is still a moral wrong in God’s sight and is synonymous with child murder — one of the most execrable villainies known to man.
We do not want any person to be harmed. At the web site, we have prominently published a biblical rationale against those who act as “vigilantees” and shoot abortionists calling it “justifiable homicide.” This act is as abhorrent as abortion. We hope that these murderers will be tried and punished for their crime.
However, given the fact that abortion is the killing of unborn children, we take this seriously too. We don’t let unstable and violent vigilantees influence our peaceful protest against abortion. Nor do we let the abortion industry paint us as violent or hateful. We peacefully resist abortion while trying to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ to those who would repent and believe in Him.
- Jay Rogers, Web site host Melbourne’s Abortion Industry