Behind the Scenes (Part 3) Call the Abortion Center for Information

Steps: How to get information on times and days when they are killing at an abortuary

1. Call the 800 number of the killing place from a pay phone (on their dime). [Doesn’t HAVE to be a pay phone, but this prevents them from being able to ID you.] Be prepared to give the date of the first day of your last period. (For first trimester abortions count back two months from today. For second or third trimester, count back 4,5,6,7 months, whatever stage of pregnancy you are trying to find out about.) A man can just as easily call and give his girlfriend or wife’s last period.

2. Say: “I’d like to make an appointment for a termination/abortion/procedure on _______. What is the earliest & latest time I can come in?”

Or if you want all the killing times in a given week (or two):

“I’d like to make an appointment for a termination/abortion/procedure next week. I want to find the best possible time to come in. What is the earliest and latest time I can come in on Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday?” etc.

3. You can either say, “Okay. I’ll figure it out & call you back” or ask any detailed question that you want to know about the actual “procedure.”

4. You can also witness to the clinic worker by telling her that you feel guilty because you know that it’s a baby and that you know you are killing your baby. You can say that it isn’t your baby’s fault that you had sex & the baby shouldn’t be punished. You also wonder if you should think about adoption. You can ask her if they give any counseling about adoption. etc., etc., etc.

5. You can ask the clinic worker if there are any “Christians” outside who hold signs and will try and talk to you to change your mind. You can ask the worker what she thinks about those people. What are they like? Are they nice? Do they really help anyone? etc.


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