Questions and Answers

We interviewed twelve leaders of Christian ministries who are involved with the work of Revival, Reformation and Reconstruction. We culled the best “sound bites” into video files of between 2 to 5 minutes. Each question is to be thought of as a separate “program” to which several speakers respond. It will take you about 20 minutes to view each program. We suggest that you systematically study each of the ten programs at different times. You are encouraged to take notes as though it were a live seminar. Then take the time to read the interviews with each leader. To read the text of the following answers go to the Second American Revolution home page and follow the links of the names of the featured speakers.

Question #1:— Didn’t the Apostle Paul say that we are no longer under law but under grace? If so, then what is the use of the Old Testament Law of God under the New Covenant? What is the role of the New Testament Christian in society?

George Grant 4:53
R.J. Rushdoony 2:38
Randall Terry 3:38
Monte Wilson 4:01
Jeff Ziegler 4:07

Question #2:— Was the New Testament Church really a “New Testament” Church as we think of it today? In what ways was their life and world view different from ours?

Jay Grimstead 2:12
R.J. Rushdoony 3:55
Steve Schlissel 4:40
Randall Terry 2:49
Phil Vollman 3:06
Jeff Ziegler 3:29

Question #3:— Can we really legislate the biblical standards of morality on non-Christians? The non-Christian doesn’t even believe in the Bible, so how can we even talk about building a society based on the Law of God?

George Grant 3:55
R.J. Rushdoony 3:35
Andrew Sandlin 2:35
Randall Terry 3:32
Phil Vollman 4:10
Monte Wilson 3:21
Jeff Ziegler 3:18

Question #4:— How did Christian philosophy influence our form of civil government? Can this influence happen again today?

George Grant 4:27
Howard Phillips 3:39
R.J. Rushdoony 3:09
Phil Vollman 3:58
Jeff Ziegler 2:52

Question #5:— Were the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution drafted to uphold the moral laws of God — or were they Deistic humanist documents? If they were Christian documents, where have we gone so far off track?

George Grant 4:47
Howard Phillips 3:02
Steve Schlissel 2:41
Jeff Ziegler 4:07
Randall Terry 3:32

Question #6:— What about the “establishment of religion” clause in the U.S. Constitution? Doesn’t the U.S. Constitution forbid the display of religion in the civil sphere?

George Grant 4:09
Howard Phillips 3:15
R.J. Rushdoony 3:09
Andrew Sandlin 2:06
Steve Schlissel 4:16
Randall Terry 1:54
Monte Wilson 2:03
Jeff Ziegler 3:06

Question #7:— What about the idea that the government should be neutral and should recognize that we live in a democratic, pluralistic society?

George Grant 2:52
Jay Grimstead 1:44
Howard Phillips 2:40
R.J. Rushdoony 2:49
Steve Schlissel 3:15
Randall Terry 4:09
Phil Vollman 2:58
Jeff Ziegler 2:23

Question #8:— In a Christian republic based on biblical law, would non-Christian religions be banned or would they have as much freedom as they have now?

George Grant 4:38
Howard Phillips 4:36
R.J. Rushdoony 3:35
Andrew Sandlin 3:01
Steve Schlissel 2:25
Randall Terry 2:58
Monte Wilson 4:18

Question #9:— But wouldn’t a Christian Republic run according to God’s Law become oppressive to non-Christians?

George Grant 2:49
Jay Grimstead 2:04
R.J. Rushdoony 2:12
Andrew Sandlin 2:26
Steve Schlissel 1:57
Randall Terry 2:03
Monte Wilson 3:44
Jeff Ziegler 3:06

Question #10:— What can Christians begin to do from a practical standpoint to begin to rebuild our nation according to the standard of the Law of God? What would a Christian America look like?

George Grant 4:09
Jay Grimstead 3:03
R.J. Rushdoony 1:57
Randall Terry 2:43
Phil Vollman 4:18
Monte Wilson 2:38
Jeff Ziegler 3:52

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