From the Editor’s Desk

Vol. 2 No. 3

GREETINGS TO ALL OUR SPECIAL friends from China studying in the United States! We’re delighted to give you a copy of the Spring 1995 issue of The Mandate, and hope it brings you joy and peace.

In this issue, we look at justice, something for which mankind has searched throughout history. Is there such a thing as a just society? And if so, is it possible to attain? You’ll find the answer to these and other questions in my letter on page 10.

If you were in the U.S. during December, you probably were amazed at the Christmas celebrations. Coming in April is another very significant holiday, although you will not see nearly the amount of decorations or festivities as you saw at Christmas. Easter, or Resurrection Sunday, is the pivotal date on the Christian calendar. It celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

If you don’t know Jesus Christ personally, you may find it difficult to understand the joy that this event brings to Christians. That’s why we have included in this issue of The Mandate two excellent articles about Christ’s death and resurrection. It’s our prayer that as you read them, you too will experience the joy that can only come from realizing what He did for you personally.

If we can help you in your search for joy and meaning in your life, please let us know. That’s why we’re here.

- Wang Jiapu


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