True Success and Prosperity

By Charles Simpson and Robert Grant

This book centers on the concept that the Bible provides for all nations a specific way of living. This “Kingdom” way of living begins with individuals and personal morality, and then extends outward to include political and economic systems. Socialism, for example, runs contrary to Biblical principles, and therefore cannot produce happiness and prosperity.

The author also explains that the open market system, while based on biblical principles, will also fail (through greed and corruption) unless a large percentage of individuals within that system embrace Christ’s teaching of honesty and caring for the needs of others.

- Wang Jiapu

The kingdom of God is the starting point for all righteous productivity. When we set God’s rulership in our lives and businesses as the norm for life and labor, Kingdom productivity begins to work in and through us.

[We] are warned to avoid embracing moral and economic systems which are not built on the kingdom of God.

Socialism speaks of an economic system which advocates that the means of production of goods within a society be owned and controlled by the State. It is marked by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to the work done.

Socialism is not built upon the Lordship of Christ, and consequently, leads to certain deceptions:

(1) On the altar of “economic security,” it sacrifices the virtues of stewardship, risk, and personal reward for creative labor.

(2) It encourages covetousness against those who succeed beyond the norm. (“I should have what you have.”)

(3) It encourages envy. (“Why do you have more than I do?”)

(4) It makes the prosperous “guilty” for their material success.

(5) It promotes civil theft through taxation.

(6) It is designed to make everyone “equal,” or pull each individual down to the lowest common denominator.

Kingdom Economics As biblical people, we must seek the biblical model. Seeking first the kingdom of God involves seeking God’s rulership in all areas of our lives, including material resources. Both socialism and capitalism fall short of God’s design without the lifestyle and purpose of Christ Himself. Seeking first the kingdom of God involves discovery of God’s wisdom and thoughts, His giftings and purposes, relative to labor and economic resources. Apprehending the will of God for marketplace economics (as revealed in and through the Scriptures) is the essence of true success and prosperity.

From Christ’s Kingdom in the Marketplace, by Charles Simpson and Robert Grant, © 1992, Charles Simpson Ministries, Mobile, AL. Used with permission. Available from Charles Simpson Ministries, (334) 633-7900.

Charles Simpson is a Bible teacher and author of numerous books. Robert Grant is senior pastor of Summitt View Covenant Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado.


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