Massacre of Innocence (DVD)


Massacre of Innocence

Exposing The Occult Roots of Abortion

This presentation looks at the spiritual roots of abortion and exposes the myths surrounding child killing. Little known historical facts about abortion and how they relate to modern feminism are presented logically and accurately. Has been effective in converting many to a pro-life position.

Massacre of Innocence goes where no pro-life presentation has gone before in “tearing the lid off abortion” to reveal the spiritual realities we must battle if we will bring an end to this crime. The presentation is absorbing, fast-paced, informative and incredibly devastating to any attempt to justify abortion.

“… an extraordinary statement … a powerfully articulate presentation about what abortion really means, and why a great and moral nation like the United States must not allow the slaughter to continue.”
— Congressman Robert K. Dornan

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Exposing The Occult Roots of Abortion

This presentation looks at the spiritual roots of abortion and exposes the myths surrounding child killing. Little known historical facts about abortion and how they relate to modern feminism are presented logically and accurately. Has been effective in converting many to a pro-life position.

Massacre of Innocence goes where no pro-life presentation has gone before in “tearing the lid off abortion” to reveal the spiritual realities we must battle if we will bring an end to this crime. The presentation is absorbing, fast-paced, informative and incredibly devastating to any attempt to justify abortion.

“… an extraordinary statement … a powerfully articulate presentation about what abortion really means, and why a great and moral nation like the United States must not allow the slaughter to continue.”
— Congressman Robert K. Dornan

“At last, a presentation that ties up the loose endsa and looks at the spiritual reality behind abortion. Well done, incisive, and prophetic – every Christian needs to watch The Massacre of Innocence.”
— Gary Bergel, Intercessors for America

Running time: 85 minutes

Related Articles:

A letter to witches and pagans by Jay Rogers

I welcome all comments to these articles on witchcraft and abortion. By far, the most common objection to these articles is: “Wicca does not promote the sacrifice of human beings.”

In a certain sense, I agree with this statement. Unlike Christianity, Wicca has no Bible, no system of orthodoxy, no rule of faith. Since there are no laws which bind Wiccans, the “Wiccan Rede” is subject to private interpretation. Therefore, it is impossible to speak of Wicca as a whole as promoting abortion as a form of child sacrifice. Most Wiccans do not believe this.

I am concerned in these articles mainly with Wiccans who do believe this. The Wiccan religion needs no further condemnation than the fact that it denies the God of the Bible. I cannot add anything further to what the Bible teaches in condemnation of magic arts. Nor is my goal to promote a persecution of witches.

This web page serves as a warning to Christians who stand for the sanctity of life. There are a small segment of Wiccans who practice abortion as a form of child sacrifice to their false gods. To those who doubt this, I highly encourage you to read the words of Wiccans and pagans themselves who promote this demonic practice before responding to me.

— Jay Rogers

The following links contain excerpts from Wiccan writings promoting abortion as a form of child sacrifice:


Jay you need to come on my radio show and I will also plug your book. I am wanting you to talk about wicca and the link to abortion. Email me friend and God bless

I had to write about the abortion that you say go on in Wicca, I am not a member but am looking into it. I myself am against abortions, but you can’t just look at Wicca, all even those who have a faith in Chirst, have had abortion


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