Letters to Predvestnik

Greetings with the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from our Ismail, Ukraine church of Evangelical Baptist Christians and personally from me, who recently obtained a copy of Predvestnik newspaper. It is a great mercy of God that in our dark, atheistic country there has sprung up, though as of yet rare, Christian newspapers and magazines. Truly it is a miracle of miracles, it is fresh air in a stuffy dungeon. I would like to be your distributor and know more information about distribution. If I cannot handle it myself, I will probably cooperate with a brother or a sister, so that I may make a small contribution in saving souls from destruction in hell.

Olga Suvorova
Ismail, Ukraine [a city bordering Moldava]

Today, I received a copy of Predvestnik dated from 1992. After I read a letter from a brother in Christ who is a missionary to the Tatars, I was compelled by the Holy Spirit to write this letter. I am Bashkir and was saved in October 1992. Ever since then I have been praying for the Tatar translation of the Bible. I wonder if you could send me the address of this brother, for if the Lord chose me from among this nation to know God’s truth, then I cannot rest but should preach Jesus Christ. And to do it, I need a Tatar language Bible. May God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be blessed, who gave life to such a newspaper, so that we children of God could receive blessings, too. I’ll be praying for you. The Lord bless you and meet all your needs.

Sagida Khudina
Novy Urengoi, Russia [A city near the Arctic]

I pray that all your needs will be met, because the publishing of this newspaper is motivated by Christ’s command – to spread the Word of our Lord and Savior. I am convinced that you will not have problems with distribution, especially among Christians in churches. Many times I witnessed people’s willingness to have and read Predvestnik. The issues printed in 1991 through 1993 are passed from hand to hand as a rarity, for there aren’t actually newspapers like this. I am willing to take an active part in distribution of the newspaper among believers.

Peter Volkov
Kiev, Ukraine

I am a Christian Kirghiz. Our True Life church greets you. The article on Jehovah’s Witnesses and Moonies (No.3, 1993) was very interesting and timely. Last year, Moonies came to the region near Issyk-Kul lake, they preached to the students and professors of our university. Jehovah’s Witnesses have been here for about three years. But thanks to the Lord, our church is growing. There are now about 700 children of God in Bishkek, since we started with 120 members. Many people came to us out of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. More than half of our congregation are Kirghiz [a traditionally Muslim nationality] – brothers and sisters from 17 to 35 years old. Our pastors came from Sweden and Austria. Soon we’ll have a Bible school open in our city. God willing, I’ll write you about this.

Brother Ernst
Karakol, Kirghistan

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