Abortion Clinic 911 Emergency Calls (Baby Rowan)

Video: Abortion Clinic 911 Emergency Calls (Baby Rowan)
Abortion Clinic 911 Emergency Calls (Baby Rowan)
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OFD: Orlando Fire Department. (Unintelligible.)

OFD: Thank you. What is the address of the emergency?

Friend: 609 West Virginia Street. The EPOC Center.

OFD: 609 West Virginia? One moment please.

Friend: Let’s see … I don’t have the address on me. A friend of mine called from the abortion clinic and her baby was born alive.

OFD: Okay. Do you know the closest intersection? Did she call you on a phone?

Friend: Right, she called me on her cell phone.

OFD: Okay. Did you ask her to call 911? Because …

Friend: She asked me to call because she was back there with no kind of … They were just telling her to leave it … this is gross but … leave it in the toilet, you know, and let it die.

OFD: Is she in a house?

Friend: She’s in the clinic, the abortion clinic.

OFD: Okay.

Friend: Correct. EPOC. Center. Oh my God! I’m freaking out!

OFD: Did she call from a cell phone?

Friend: She called from her cell phone.

OFD: Okay. What did you say? She was having … the baby just came out?

Friend: Right. She as getting an abortion and the baby came out and it was still living. And they’re wanting it to die.

OFD: Okay. And she’s inside the clinic?

Friend: Correct.

OFD: Okay. Let me give a call to the county. Hold on. Actually, do not hang up. Just hold on the line, okay?

Friend: Okay.


OCFR: Orange County Fire and Rescue

OFD: Hi, can you look up a couple of addresses for me. I have a 911 caller on the line with a baby. She’s in an abortion clinic and the baby is born and it’s still alive. They don’t know for how long.

OCFR: What would we be going for?

OFD: Uh, it would be for an obstetrics. It’s a female that’s in the center, I guess for … it’s an abortion clinic, but the baby was born, and it’s alive at this moment and they don’t know for how long.



OFD: Orlando Fire Department.

Friend: I need an ambulance to 609 Virginia Drive in Orlando.

OFD: 609 Virginia Drive?

Friend: Correct.

OFD: Okay, and what’s going on there?

Friend: Uh, it’s the women’s clinic. Uh, my friend was having an abortion and the baby was born alive.

OFD: Okay, you said the baby was born?

Friend: Correct.

OFD: Okay, hold on one second for me.

Friend: Okay.

OFD: 609 Virginia Drive?

Friend: Correct.

OFD: What’s the business name?

Friend: Uh, EPOC Clinic for Women. E-P-O-C.

OFD: EPOC Clinic for Women? Okay. Is there a phone in the building?

Friend: Yes.

OFD: Okay, can you call me from that or just pick up that phone and dial 911?

Friend: Uh, well I’m not there. She’s there. She called me and they’re not allowing her to use the phone there.

OFD: Okay.

Friend: But they’re wanting the baby to die.

OFD: She wants the baby to live?

Friend: Correct.

OFD: Okay.

Friend: She was expecting it to not be alive, and it is.

OFD: Okay. I’m going to get help out there.

Friend: Okay.

OFD: Just stay on the line with me.

Friend: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

OFD: Okay. The baby’s been born?

Friend: Correct.

OFD: How long ago, do you know?

Friend: Uh, she just called me. It wasn’t 10 minutes ago. And said that the baby was born and it was alive and they were wanting her to leave it in the toilet. And uh … just let it die. And uh … she’s not wanting that to happen.

OFD: Okay, we do have help on the way like I said. We’re going try and call the center as well as have someone on the way.

Friend: Thank you very much.

OFD: Your welcome.


OFD: Hi. Can you respond with us to 609 Virginia Drive?

Ambulance: For?

OFD: Uh, this is supposed … This is the EPOC Center E-P-O-C Center for Women. We are going fro a lady that is in an abortion clinic. She says that the baby has been born ten minutes ago, but the center wants to kill the baby and will not let the mother call 911.

Ambulance: Whoa!

OFD: Um hmm! So we have a third party calling because the mother did call 911 … uh …call a family member.

Ambulance: Okay, so we are the way now. All right.

OFD: Okay.

Ambulance: Bye!


Abortion Clinic 911 Calls

Exposes the Dangers of Abortion to Women!

These shocking eyewitness accounts expose the dangers of abortion not only to unborn children, but to the health and lives women as well. An antidote to the smokescreens of the liberal media, these short clips show what really happens in and around abortion clinics.

Although the content is emotionally gut-wrenching, these videos have been used in church seminars and small groups to educate Christians on the abortion issue and to lead people toward a pro-life position. Contains 2 hours and 40 minutes of materials that can be shown separately.

Watch these pro-life videos on-line.

“These videos helped change my mind from pro-choice to pro-life. Your videos are what did it for me. I will be walking in next year’s March For Life in San Francisco.” — A. Jackson, California

“I was going to have an abortion until I saw your video. Praise Jesus!”
— M. Drew, YouTube Commenter

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