The Million Man March

Louis Farrakhan’s Antichristian Worldview on Parade

The following article is excerpted from the remarks of Rev. Jeff Ziegler at a debate sponsored by Lakeland Community College concerning the social significance of the “Million Man March” sponsored by Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.

We have gathered to discuss the social impact and relative merits of the “Million Man March.” Undoubtedly we have heard and will continue to hear sincere and positive testimonials regarding the effects of this event on African American men. This is quite understandable in that the stated purpose of the march was to promote brotherhood, community and personal responsibility. These ideals are certainly ennobling and beneficial not only for African American men, but, for any ethnic community.

However, it would be intellectually and ethically fraudulent to view the march from a mythical ground of neutrality that seeks to separate the event from its chief sponsor Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. Indeed, Farrakhan’s agenda is the exact antithesis of the stated purpose of the march. His anti-Christian and anti-Semitic rhetoric has been well documented over the years and while these seemingly capricious statements could be dismissed as “unwise” the plain facts indicate a deliberate articulation of an Islamic worldview which seeks to subjugate all competing visions of reality. Ideas do have consequences!

Many have tried to rehabilitate Farrakhan’s image saying his vitriolic speech is somewhat dated and that a kinder, gentler and more mature Farrakhan has become more tolerant in recent years. Yet, a casual inquiry into recent headlines will indicate that Farrakhan’s legacy of hate continues.

Since January of this year Farrakhan has undertaken an extensive tour of African and Middle Eastern countries where his treasonous agenda was manifest. I will cite a few instances to illustrate.

While visiting that mercurial miscreant Libyan strongman Col. Muammar Qaddafi, Farrakhan struck a deal which secured millions of dollars from Libya to lobby for the secession of part of the United States. The goal is the formation of a separate black nation on the North American Continent replete with a 500,000 man army and nuclear weapons.

“Minister” Farrakhan endorsed the policies of the Sudan which enslaves black Christian men, women and children. The average price of a Christian woman with child is $15.00. For Farrakhan and the people of the Sudan there is no such thing as an “emancipation proclamation.”

In remarks to the Iranian parliament Farrakhan called for the destruction of that “great satan” meaning the United States.

In Iraq, Farrakhan accused the United States of genocide and “war crimes” and again prayed for our total destruction.

Despite the clear revolutionary danger Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam pose, he nevertheless enjoys enormous popularity among African American men. According to a poll conducted by Emerge magazine, 44.6% of African American men rate Farrakhan as the black leader which best represents their views far ahead of Jesse Jackson, Gen. Colin Powell and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

It is evident Mr. Farrakhan strikes a cord in the African American community. Truly, he possesses a fully articulated ( though perverse ) world-life-view and he recognizes that by and large the Christian Church in the black community is inherently matriarchal, pietistic, introspective and antinomian ( against God’s Law ) and thus is incapable of reordering society. In other words “so heavenly minded and government dependent as to be no earthly good.” Thus, Farrakhan having a worldview can organizationally defeat those who lack a comprehensive vision of social order.

African American men must recognize that the only hope of reconstructing this nation in general and the black community in particular is a robust expression of Orthodox Reformed Christianity which seeks to establish and press the Crown Rights of Christ at every level of society and across every ethnic community. Only an acknowledgment of the abiding validity of Biblical Law and an optimistic view of the course and mission of the Christian Church in time and history will solve our nations ills not the religious fascism of Farrakhan.

I call on all African American men who call themselves Christian to publicly denounce Farrakhan and The Nation of Islam and to cease giving this man a platform through grandstanding events like “The Million Man March.”

If you are interested in impacting the African American community with a Puritan hope and vision, please contact the following.

Rev. Wayne MacNamara
518 North Pleasant Rd.
Dayton, Ohio 45404

Mr. Leonard Gilbert
c/o Church of the Word Reformed
53 King St.
Painesville, Ohio 44077


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