October 31, 1994
Dear Board Members:
The temporary tailspin occasioned by Jerry Bowyer’s resignation as executive director last winter is over. Jerry did yeomanly service for the NRA, as did Tony Cowley in the office of president during the late period of transition. At Tony’s kind suggestion, I was elected president at the October 28 Association meeting. First, a biographical summary: I have pastored Church of the WORD (independent Reformed congregation [confessionally WCF]) for the last ten years; am American editor of Christianity and Society; co-founder and moderator of the Reconstructionist Society of Ohio; hold academic specializations in English, history, and political science, with Ph. D. studies in English. I have been happily married 11 years and have five children. I am committed to advancing the cause of Christ and his kingdom by advancing the cause of the NRA.
Now, in fact, is the time for a revival of the aims and influence of the NRA. It is needed today more than ever. We fought slavery and the liquor traffic in the past. The enemies today are incomparably more formidable. Our NRA forebears perceived clearly the destructive effects of the secularization of society and politics. We have lived to see the culmination of those effects. That is the bad news. The good news is that this secularization has shown itself a miserable failure: it has eroded the very fabric of humanity. There is one solution to this problem. It is the same solution proposed by the NRA founders in 1863 and 1864-the recognition and implementation of the authority of Christ and the moral law of God in the nation without compromise.
My immediate vision of the NRA begins with the Statesman. We will use it not only to generate interest in and funds for the NRA, but also to locate like-minded individuals throughout the country, those who share the convictions and goals of the Association. And, believe me, there are many such people, and their number is growing. Weary of pop evangelicalism and its impotence in the face of the tide of secularism, they are craving a more profound understanding of the Faith and its possible application to all areas of life-including society and politics. This is where the NRA comes in. We must employ the adage: “If you have no world view, we will be happy to provide you with one.” As the NRA attracts more supporters, we expect a snowball effect; this may take time, but we have the time to take. Christ is Lord over the nations. He will not desist till all his enemies are made his footstool.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the publishing schedule of the Christian Statesman has been in arrears for some time. We intend to remedy that situation by the new year, or at the latest by next spring. Upcoming issues include “Voting,” “Is Christian Coalition Christian?”, “Romanism,” and “Slavery.” Our new editor, Steve Campbell, a bright, experienced, and energetic individual, is formulating an editorial calendar for next year. Our goal is to generate the revenue to begin monthly publication. Believe me, there will be no lack of material-the problem heretofore has been lack of funds.
We are delighted to welcome sorts physician and former PA gubernatorial candidate Jack Perry as our new vice president. Too, we are reviving the Publications Committee (new attractive brochures soon) as well as the Speakers Bureau. Moreover, we are working on expanding our local chapters.
As board members, I urge you to continue doing your part to support the NRA. Ask others to send monthly contributions to the NRA. Advertise the Statesman widely.
Tentative date for our spring board meeting is April 29 in State College, PA. Soon we will be distributing copies of the charter with recommendations from the Revision committee for rendering certain procedural-not ideological- changes in the by-laws that would allow smoother operation. We will vote on these changes at next fall’s Association meeting.
The NRA is unique. For 130 years it has stressed the Lordship of Christ over the nations. It has a noble history. By God’s grace, it will have an even more noble future.
Yours for Christ’s Imperial Reign,
Andrew Sandlin
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