National Reform Association board member Jeff Ziegler was invited to give a five minute invocation to open the session of the Ohio state legislature on February 3, 1998. Here is the text of his prayer:
Almighty Triune God, in the name of Christ we approach your eternal throne. Our Father, we acknowledge your providence and transcendence, as the one who upholds all things by the word of his power, who is before all things and by whom all things consist. Lord Jesus Christ, we submit ourselves to your benevolent rule, for the earth is yours and the fullness thereof and your name is above all names, thou art Lord of the nations.
We humbly entreat thy goodness on behalf of these United States of America. May your Crown and Covenant, your Law, govern our affairs with righteousness and equity. Establish us with pure and undefiled religion and may the everlasting gospel diffuse its heavenly light and spread Christian brotherhood, liberty, and peace from sea to shining sea.
We pray for our great state, that all branches and departments of Ohio government may be constantly filled with the wisest and best men. Men who fear God and tremble at your Word. For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. May this assembly be granted thine assistance to reward and advance righteousness, even while abhorring and restraining wickedness. May the administration of justice be in the hands of men well qualified for their offices, men not given to bribes nor perverse judgements, that would throw down the bridle and sanction of law. Lord, may this house with one voice establish and defend our constitution, that we the people may know the blessings of good government. Lord Christ be in our midst, direct and assist us, impressing our hearts with your fear that we may know your present and future blessings in reward for fidelity to your law.
Finally, we repent for the myriad of sins which our republic and our state have committed against your law. We repent for the violence and bloodshed all too common in our once pristine cities. We repent for the great holocaust of abortion where the voice of innocence has been so cruelly dashed by the hardness of our own hearts. We repent for the grievous burdens placed upon our people and injury inflicted to the family by excessive-tyrannical taxation. We repent for government’s appetite for living beyond its means and thus mortgaging our children and our children’s-children’s future. God grant us forgiveness and grace to act in accordance with your will. May we be resolute and undaunted to establish uncorrupted morality, liberty, and justice for all.
Now to Him who rules all things according to His own pleasure and wisdom be praise, glory and dominion forever and ever, AMEN.