How Should We Then Live?
Special Two-Disc Set!
A sweeping epic chronicling the rise and decline of Western thought and culture
After 40 years of intense study and world-wide ministry, Dr. Francis Schaeffer completed his crowning work of scholarship – to present profound truths in simple film language. Dr. Schaeffer’s brilliant analysis of the past and predictions for current trends have proven so uncannily accurate that this amazing series still feels contemporary almost three decades after its initial release. Ultimately, Schaeffer concludes that man’s only hope is a return to God’s Biblical absolute, the truth revealed in Christ through the Scriptures.
Available for the first time on DVD, this documentary spectacular also includes intimate in-depth conversations with Francis and Edith Schaeffer. With the on-disc study guide, this presentation forms a unique course of comprehensive study. While this series forms an innovative analysis of the past, this outstanding work is more than history. Each episode focuses on a significant era, yet speaks clearly to 21st-century man with answers for modern problems.
Bonus Features:
- 10-Week Study Guide on Disc
- Study Guide is found on both discs
- Interview with Francis and Edith Schaeffer
- Living with Suffering & Sickness
- God’s Leading in L’Abri & Our Lives