God's Law and Society
Running time: 240 minutes
Ten parts, over four hours of instruction!
Sixteen noted Christian leaders and scholars apply the Ten Commandments to American life.
King David exulted in Psalm 119: “Oh, how I love Thy law! It is my meditation day and night!” Tragically, the testimony of most Christians today is: “How I ignore Thy law because I am under grace!” The result? An America where over 40 percent of the population (including the President) claim to be born-again, where babies are being sacrificed in the name of “choice,” homosexuality is protected, even celebrated, where good is called evil and evil good.
God’s Law and Society features 16 noted Christian leaders and scholars, each an expert in applying the Ten Commandments to American life! This presentation gives biblically sound teaching in a four-hour series, divided into ten parts – a perfect format for group instruction as well as personal Bible study!
This series provide a fascinating introduction to these critical issues and serves as a primer on the biblical worldview that gave rise to the American experiment in liberty and self-government. Perfect for group instruction as well as personal Bible study, this presentation series is strong meat for anyone who is ready to understand the true difference between good and evil! (Heb. 5:14)
This provocative presentation will help you form a comprehensive biblical worldview on God’s Law. The ten short 20-minute programs feature answers to thought provoking questions, such as:
- Are we under Law or under Grace?
- Does the Old Testament Law apply today?
- Can we legislate morality?
- What are the biblical foundations of government?
- Was America founded as a Christian nation?
- What about the separation of Church and State?
- Is neutrality a myth?
- What about non-Christians and the Law of God?
- Would there be “freedom” in a Christian republic?
- What would a “Christian America” look like?
Speakers include: R.C. Sproul Jr., George Grant, Howard Phillips, Kenneth L. Gentry, Gary DeMar, Jay Grimstead, R.J. Rushdoony, Andrew Sandlin, Stephen McDowell, Robert Schenk, Steve Schlissel, Phillip Vollman, Monte Wilson, Doug Wilson, and Jeff Ziegler.
Watch over 60 on-line video interviews from God’s Law and Society.
- Download the Free Study Guide!