The Beast of Revelation: Identified
Running time: 145 minutes
Featuring Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry at the 1999 Ligonier conference
This presentation features Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry’s one-hour teaching on the book of Revelation from the 1999 Ligonier conference in Orlando, Florida. An introduction hosted by Eric Holmberg sets the stage with dramatic vignettes and a critique of the dispensational view of the end-times prevalent in American pop culture. An additional one-hour question and answer session follows as Dr. Gentry attempts to answer the question:
Who is the beast of Revelation?
Numerous candidates have been advanced throughout the years by noted Bible experts. These have included Pope Leo, Napolean, Lenin, Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Henry Kissinger, Mikhail Gorbachev, and even Ronald Reagan. Theories and predictions about the Beast go on and on.
According to NEWSWEEK (11/1/99), 19 percent of all Americans and nearly half of all evangelical Christians “believe that the Antichrist is on the earth now.” The popularity of this theorizing on the identity of the Beast is seen in the many books on the market which have sold tens of millions of copies. One title, Left Behind by Tim LaHaye, became the New York Times number one best seller in 1999.
The Beast of Revelation is the main character in many films which paint him as a diabolical world dictator who will bring about a New World Order, who will unite all world religions in order to worship him. According to some Bible prophecy experts, the Beast will control the destiny of every individual on the planet through hand-implanted computer chips with personal identification numbers. And finally, it is believed that the Beast will seal his own destruction by bringing the late great planet earth to the brink of Armageddon through a nuclear holocaust.
Now at last, a plausible candidate for the identity of the dreaded Beast has been identified. If you will consider Dr. Gentry’s case with an open Bible and an open mind, this teaching is likely to revolutionize your understanding of the book of Revelation and even more importantly – to radically alter your entire Christian worldview as well!
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