Abortion Clinic 911 Calls – Baby Rowan (Revisited)

Video: Abortion Clinic 911 Calls - Baby Rowan (Revisited)
Abortion Clinic 911 Calls - Baby Rowan (Revisited)
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Last year, I posted this video on YouTube.

It contains information and images from the Baby Rowan story posted in various places on the Internet and the original 911 emergency call made when a baby was born alive in an Orlando, Florida abortion clinic and left to die by the clinic workers.

Just Google “Baby Rowan abortion” and you find articles everywhere from WorldNet Daily to World Magazine and Charisma Magazine. One person told me that after viewing the video, they thought how different it is from all the articles because “it puts you there.”

Yes, I agree. And guess what? A film has been made on Baby Rowan called 22 Weeks that should be out sometime in 2008.


The producer/director of the movie contacted us and wanted to get some information and the 911 call featured in the video. The movie is produced by Forerunner Films (no relation to Forerunner.com) and you can watch a trailer if you go to the Facebook link from their website.

One of the two trailers from 22 Weeks is on YouTube:


It is far more intense and grisly than the video I made, so be forewarned.

With a film coming out and the continued Internet presence of Baby Rowan’s story, this is the time to reenergize our efforts to publicize the horror of the Baby Rowan homicide.

I for one am elated that this local story continues to be a big issue in the national pro-life community.

I think the YouTube 911 Call video is valuable because it shows with the recording, autopsy photos, reports, and newspaper accounts, that this is really a true story. Many people hearing about Bay Rowan through the film, 22 Weeks, aren’t going to believe it.

Our goal as pro-life activists, should be to further expose James Pendergraft and to alert people to the fact that babies are born alive and left to die each week in America. It’s a daily occurrence in many countries of the world. It’s a federal crime — homicide in our country — but in this one instance where it is well-documented to have happened, there has been no investigation.

Follow the links. Support the 22 Weeks movie. Let other people know and let me know what you think.

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