Bernie DeCastro or Marco Rubio For U.S. Senate?

I am disturbed that in the wake of liberal Charlie Crist’s departure from the Republican Party many of my conservative friends are flocking behind Marco Rubio. To me, it is apparent that Rubio became the front-runner because he was touted by the Bush machine. He’ll be yet another shill for the Republican Party who will say one thing and do the opposite once elected. Haven’t we learned our lesson? Bernie DeCastro is a Constitutionalist who will vote on principle, not on party-line. I am personally supporting DeCastro for Senator. The following is an article written by DeCastro earlier in the year.

- Jay Rogers

Special guest column by Bernie DeCastro

In traveling around the state of Florida for the last year I have literally spoken to thousands of Floridians and what has become obvious is that almost all Florida conservatives and many independents cannot stand the thought of Charlie Crist as Florida’s next U.S. Senator. And so the conservative voter’s of this state are turning their gaze upon Marco Rubio erroneously believing he is a true conservative. Many Rubio supporters I have spoken with have described either how good looking he is or how well he speaks. Isn’t that one of the main reasons Obama was elected? Haven’t we learned anything?

Many of those I meet ask me, “What is the difference between you and Marco Rubio?”

Here is my reply:

Quite simply, Marco Rubio is a professional politician and a lawyer. He graduated from law school in 1996 and soon entered local politics and then was elected to the Florida Legislature in 2000. Rubio is just another slick talking lawyer and a professional politician. With almost 50% of Congress made up of lawyers, I don’t believe we need anymore.

Rubio’s mother and father were hard working people and they can relate to the average Florida citizen who goes to work every day just to put food on the table for his family but Marco knows nothing about that. The sum total of Marco Rubio’s professional experience is lawyering and politics.

Unlike Marco Rubio, I know all about hard work. I started my own small business in 1987. My first year in business I was the only employee and I took in about $36,000. Today I have 32 employees and my company grosses almost two million dollars a year. I understand small businesses because that is what I have done for the last 23 years. In the last five years, I have created over 50 jobs and have pumped over 10 million dollars into the local economy. I know how to create and live by a budget.

My friends the choice is clear. Marco Rubio a lawyer and professional politician or Bernie DeCastro a businessman who can relate with the small business owner and the entrepreneur who has the courage to get out on the limb and start his own business; Who has to create a budget and live by it and who creates jobs so others can work.

There are also the following major differences between Rubio and DeCastro on the issues:

1. Pro-Life – Rubio claims to be pro-life but refuses to endorse the “Personhood Movement” which ascribes personhood at the point of conception. This then would make Roe v. Wade illegal and violate the Declaration of Independence which guarantees every person the right to LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.

DeCastro has endorsed Personhood.

2. 10th Amendment – Rubio refuses to sign the 10th Amendment pledge
“While Mr. Rubio and his handlers “consider” whether or not they support state sovereignty and lawful, limited constitutional government, I also want to offer a consideration. I would like for every lover of liberty and state sovereignty in the state of Florida to consider asking Marco Rubio why he would have to “consider” supporting the Tenth Amendment.” -Andrew Nappi State Coordinator TAC, December 19th, 2009.

DeCastro has signed the 10th Amendment pledge.

3. 912 Candidate Pledge – Marco Rubio has refused to sign the “Values” & “Principles” of the 912 Pledge

DeCastro has signed the 912 pledge.

4. Vetting by the Tea Party – As of this date, Rubio who has been called the “Tea Party Darling,” and “Florida’s “Tea Party” candidate” has turned down repeated request from Tea Party groups around the State to be vetted. Now Marco is that anyway to treat your fans?

DeCastro has been vetted by two Tea Party groups and a third is trying to schedule him.

5. Agenda 21 – Rubio has refused to denounce the United Nations Agenda 21 otherwise known as Sustainable Development. This is one of the most dangerous policies ever to come out of the United Nation. It has to do with population reduction.

DeCastro adamantly denounces Agenda 21.

6. Financial Accountability – Rubio refuses to make public his expense reports when he served as speaker of the house. That is when he spent over half a million dollars of tax-payer money to renovate his office. He says he will turn over his expense accounts when everyone else does.

DeCastro’s books are and always will be open to the public.

7. Audit & eventual elimination of Federal Reserve – Where does Rubio stand on the audit and eventual elimination of the Federal Reserve? And where does he stand on returning America to the gold standard? There are currently four states, Georgia, South Carolina, Missouri and Indiana that are in the process of filing legislation to have their states return to the gold and silver standard. “The United States Constitution declares, in Article I, Section 10, “No State shall… make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.” State-Level Constitutional Tender laws seek to nullify federal legal tender laws in the state by authorizing payment in gold and silver or a paper note backed 100% by gold or silver.” Would Marco Rubio support this legislation?

DeCastro believes the Federal Reserve should be audited immediately and then they should be eliminated and America should return to the gold and silver standard.

8. IRS – Where does Rubio stand on the getting rid of the IRS and repealing the 16th Amendment?

DeCastro believes that the 16th Amendment should be repealed thereby eliminating the IRS and that we need to either replace the current taxing system with a consumption tax like the fair tax or something better.

9. 17th Amendment – What is Rubio’s position on repealing the 17th Amendment and returning to the old way of electing our U.S. Senators by the State Legislatures?

DeCastro believes the 17th Amendment should be repealed.

10. 28th Amendment – Will Rubio endorse the passage of the 28th Amendment which says, “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.”

DeCastro would be glad to file the bill for the 28th Amendment and fight to see that it is passed.

11. Special Interest Money – Marco Rubio has no problem taking special interest money for his campaign; thereby, obligating himself to these special interest groups.

Bernie DeCastro refuses to take special interest money.

12. Congressional Compensation – Marco Rubio sees nothing wrong with the current congressional compensation plan.

Bernie DeCastro would refuse to take not only the congressional salary, but the Cadillac healthcare plan and the outrageous retirement plan currently offered.

13. Party Allegiance – Marco Rubio will be easily influenced by the republican party to vote with “the group” on issues.

Bernie DeCastro’s allegiance will be to God 1st, the constitution 2nd, and the American citizens 3rd.

14. MANHATTAN DECLARATION – Is Marco Rubio willing to sign the Manhattan Declaration?

DeCastro has already signed the Manhattan Declaration.

A Summary of the Manhattan Declaration:

We are Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical Christians who have united at this hour to reaffirm fundamental truths about justice and the common good, and to call upon our fellow citizens, believers and non-believers alike, to join us in defending them. These truths are (1) the sanctity of human life, (2) the dignity of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife, and (3) the rights of conscience and religious liberty. In as much as these truths are foundational to human dignity and the well-being of society, they are inviolable and non-negotiable. Because they are increasingly under assault from powerful forces in our culture, we are compelled today to speak out forcefully in their defense, and to commit ourselves to honoring them fully no matter what pressures are brought upon us and our institutions to abandon or compromise them. We make this commitment not as partisans of any political group but as followers of Jesus Christ, the crucified and risen Lord, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

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