The bottom line that no one in the liberal media will mention:
The Alaskan Legislative Council has no authority under law to sanction Palin for ethical misconduct. That’s up to the state Personnel Board, which is running a parallel investigation that Palin is cooperating with.
The current collusion of socialist Democrats and the liberal media is an abomination. We live in an age in which candidates try to speak directly to the people, but two seconds later a thousand media pundits tell us what they said and what to believe. And they are obsessed with telling us what to believe 24/7.
The Troopergate Report is a good example of this. Here is an independent investigator hired by an Alaskan panel to INVESTIGATE. The report gives several facts — and concludes with an OPINION based on a weird Clinton-esque interpretation of what words really mean. The investigator pronounces an opinion that Palin abused power not by her “actions” but by her “inactions.”
Yet the media has pronounced her guilty of a crime comparable to the Nazi holocaust just on the basis of a non-binding OPINION of ONE investigator. Some of the Legislative Council have said they don’t agree with the conclusion of report, but they released it because the facts contained in it are sound. The facts actually say that Palin committed no crime or ethical breach.
Yet what do the headlines read?
False. Demonstrably false.
No legally binding judgment has occurred yet.
All of this is aimed at Palin because she is a conservative Christian — no other reason. According to the liberal media, she’s already lost the election for McCain. Yes, John McCain — once the Democrats favorite Republican — a moderate’s moderate — is now being portrayed as an extremist right wing hate-monger. If sanity prevails in the minds of most voters, McCain will win by a landslide. That’s a big IF. But in the next three weeks McCain just needs to spell it out.
“I am a moderate with a conservative running mate. Obama/Biden are socialist liberals who are supported by terrorists.”
That is true. Demonstrably true.
That being said, McCain never ceases to disappoint me. I am actually considering him and rooting for him, but aside from picking Palin, he’s failing miserably. At this point, he is trying to out-socialize the socialists — something that will bring long lasting judgment on our nation if he were allowed to put this into practice. If he can formulate an economic plan that makes sense, he’ll beat Obama handily, because his opponent has nothing but air and contradictions. Obama can’t keep all his promises and propose a plan to reform federal policies on the economy.

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