“Abortion is not surgery” claims Planned Parenthood CEO in contradictory statements
KISSIMMEE, Florida (www.forerunner.com) – Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando (PPGO) has for over a year conspired with Florida Hospital and several city officials to open an 8,800 square foot abortion mega center in the heart of the Hispanic and minority community of Kissimmee.

Planned Parenthood’s Kissimmee abortion mega-center has been the target of public outcry since their plans to open across the street from Osceola Regional Medical Center were uncovered in March 2014. (Photo credit: Amber Carroll.)
On Wednesday, July 23, 2014, a circuit judge granted a temporary injunction forbidding surgical abortion and all diagnostic testing at the newly opened center.
A lawsuit filed by a partnership of neighboring doctors held that there is a restrictive covenant with Osceola Regional Medical Center that prohibits outpatient surgical centers in the medical park known as Oak Commons.
The judge ruled that PPGO “purchased the property with the knowledge of the restrictions and proceeded at its own peril.”
Planned Parenthood did a ceremonial ribbon cutting in May with incendiary leftist congressman Alan Grayson in tow. Although PPGO CEO Jenna Tosh announced they were open for business, they planned to begin doing abortions with a full-time medical director and abortionist sometime in August.
Tosh has said at various times to the press that abortion is “less than ten percent” of what they do.
When Jenna Tosh appeared in court this month, she appeared even more evasive and deceptive in her comments. She claimed on one hand in a signed affidavit that abortion was about “one percent” of their services. Tosh also claimed that the organization would not be able to survive financially if they lost this projected income.
Tosh argued that the covenant restricting surgery in Oak Commons did not apply to PPGO because abortions are “not surgery” because they do not involve “incisions.” The Court responded in an ironic tone:
The Court notes that Ms. Tosh’s education does not involve and formal medical training and cannot escape the fact that Ms. Tosh’s own words repeatedly employ the phrase “surgical abortions.”
If Tosh seems outrageous and arrogant in her claims, consider the following lead-in to a local Channel 13 News report.
The new Planned Parenthood facility in Kissimmee has been barred from performing its most controversial of services – medical procedures [emphasis added].
The obvious word “abortion” is changed here in favor of the misleading and impossible notion that all “medical procedures” are controversial. Why hide the fact that the only controversial medical procedure PPGO performs is abortion?
“Abortion” has been replaced by generic code phrase “reproductive health services.” In the recent Hobby Lobby, Supreme Court case, the press promoted the false idea the family-oriented business wanted to bar its employees from “access to contraception,” rather than choose not to pay for two specific forms of drugs widely considered to act as abortifacients.
The pro-abortion propaganda machine must deceive their audience with rhetorical smokescreens and euphemisms. The “A” word is rarely mentioned in the mainstream media. This belies the fact that plain speaking on the issue of abortion is a losing proposition for their side.
Whenever biblical truth is obscured in a culture, people will resort to suppressing plain facts that expose human depravity. The effort to deny truth results in self-deception and blindness to obvious reality. All alternative worldviews are contrived to deny the truth of God.
C.S. Lewis, once wrote about liberal critics of the Bible, “They claim to see fern-seed and can’t see an elephant ten yards away in broad daylight.”
Likewise, modern journalists have lost the ability to communicate sensibly on the topic of abortion. They have descended into a vague Orwellian “Newspeak.” Consider the following quote from a Planned Parenthood press release touting its proposed New Orleans abortion mega-center:

The overwhelming majority of Planned Parenthood services focus on prevention including contraception, breast and cervical cancer screenings and testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections. If these protesters were truly committed to reducing unintended pregnancies, the need for abortion and the alarming rates of sexually transmitted infections and HIV in this community, they would stop the harassment and work with Planned Parenthood and other health care providers to address these dangerous health disparities.
- Jewel Bush, Communications Director, Louisiana Planned Parenthood
Compare this to the press release describing the Kissimmee abortion mega-center:
… the new center will be a full-service reproductive health center, offering everything from AIDS/HIV counseling to breast-cancer screenings to vasectomies and well-woman screenings…. if the opponents of the new center were truly committed to reducing the number of unintended pregnancies, they’d be working with Planned Parenthood to increase access to affordable birth control and comprehensive sex education.
- Jenna Tosh, CEO, Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando
Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading abortion provider, receives over half a billion dollars per year from taxpayer funds. Their local public relations directors are either not capable of speaking for themselves – or else they are glibly unaware that the talking points fed to them are nothing more than bald faced lies. The liberal press perpetuates the charade by acting as the propaganda arm for the abortion giant.
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