Election 2012: What Will You Do?

It’s not about Mitt, Newt, Ron, Rick or Rick! It’s about, what will you do?

The lack of a bold, explicitly Christian political social theory, as a base for conservative activism, has confined conservatives to the roll of mere reactionaries. So-called conservatives within the Republican Party have failed to sanction renegades within their own ranks for their support of abortion. They have failed to overthrow special rights for homosexuals. They’ve continued funding for the unconstitutional and lurid National Endowment for the Arts. They support so-called campaign finance reform which is an attempt to muzzle the voice of Orthodoxy. And most importantly, they continue to roll over for the destabilizing socialism, China-accommodating, and treasonous wretch, Barack Obama in order to accommodate some mythical notion of courting “independents.”

There is nothing new with this predictable conservative slide to perdition. The conservative “bark” is always bigger than its “bite.” Looking at the past thirty years of conservatism we find a movement which never conserves anything. Rather, its history has been to demur to each aggression of humanistic liberalism after a respectable amount of growling. Hence, despite rabid rhetoric, conservatives acquiesce to the latest innovation of liberal radicalism no matter how extreme.

Abortion, homosexual rights, animal rights, socialistic wealth redistribution, values clarification, gun control, environmental earth worship, social thought police, destruction of health care and the politicization of the military have all been resisted by conservatives. Yet such resistance has produced little toward victorious results. In fact, the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism. Symbolically, conservatism meekly follows in the shadow of liberalism. Conservatives merely react to the liberal’s comprehensive, man-centered world view and political social theory. They do not have an immutable base of ethics from which to advance their own views. Ergo, they are always on the defensive, unable, even when stopping a liberal advance, to reverse direction and take back the ground lost.

DeTocqueville predicted the inability of conservative politicos to stop radicalism over a century ago because of “the selfish timidity of her public men. They’ve become a brood of narrow, cowardly worshipers of present expediency.” Today, conservatives opt for “Republican consensus” rather than justice for the innocent. They are even unwilling to sanction those within their own party who support state sanctioned, state sponsored murder in the form of abortion. With such compromised half way measures the “take no prisoner” liberal utopians will win every time! Babies will be slaughtered, families decimated, homosexuality codified, private wealth will be continually eroded and confiscated and the nation brought to ruination.

Until conservatives eschew the inane dribble of personality cults in favor of the immutable ethics of God’s Word, no great national reform will be advanced, and America will suffer the dire consequences of paganism run amok. It’s not about Mitt, Newt, Ron, Rick and Rick! It is about Christ as Lord giving life and vigor to American exceptionalism, or allowing the anti-American Obama define the rules of the game. 2012 is the year! What will you do?

Perfect Candidate, Perfect Electorate

Despite all the heated rhetoric, the fact remains that the perfect candidate does not exist. Moreover, the American electorate is far from any standard of Christian orthodoxy or Constitutional integrity. Still this nation has not faced so urgent a threat to its very existence since the late 1970’s. Obama has undermined national security, thrown down moral cultural restraint, upbraided notions of free-enterprise, and wealth creation, destroyed health care, and seeks to subjugate our national being to internationalist cabals of socialists.

The peril is real! The ignorance of the populace is real! The response must be cogent, mature, and robust!

The election of 2012 must be decisive at the Federal level, at the state level, and throughout counties, cities, towns and hamlets. The priority is first the nation’s survival and then its reformation. That means once the elections are over, the same kind of vigor and devotion to educate, inform, and pressure elected officials must be demonstrated as in the elections! That is more than protesting what is wrong, but proclaiming what is right! It means thinking through real solutions! It means real work! So while 2012 is the year to save the republic, it also signals the pressing need for the renovation of the republic in subsequent years.

Again: what will you do?

Jeff Ziegler is a featured panel expert in the DVD: God’s Law and Society.

Video: Election 2012: What Will You Do?
Election 2012: What Will You Do?
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