This is the opening to the Freedom Speaks PBS show on the limits of the First Amendment in protecting the freedom of religion. It is followed by the raw interviews that were done for the program.

The Abortion Matrix DVD is the long-awaited update to Massacre of Innocence (1988), a video that spurred countless Christians toward direct action in the pro-life movement in the late 1980s and 1990s. At a quick-paced 195 minutes, the new presentation contains many times the amount of material as the 1988 documentary. It is divided into ten sections to be used in seminars and Bible Study groups.

I watched Massacre of Innocence when it was first released and it convinced me of the need to take action against a modern holocaust. For the first time, I understood that abortion is not only mass murder, but also state-sanctioned idolatry that brought the sin of blood-guilt on our entire nation. By 1998, I began to talk to the writer, host and producer of Massacre, Eric Holmberg, about a remake that would include more information on the relationship between the abortion industry and the occult.
I had written a series of articles on Witchcraft and Abortion for a special edition of The Forerunner in 1994. The issue was distributed in select neighborhoods in Melbourne, Florida related to a local witch coven and the Aware Woman abortion clinic. This caused such a sensation that several newspapers, including the Orlando Sentinel, took notice. We were also interviewed for Freedom Speaks, a 1990s PBS program that debated the limits of First Amendment rights.
Another article dealt with the city of Palm Bay, Florida banning a coven of witches who wanted to bang drums and chant at the full moon in a back yard. Another dealt with a Wiccan priestess being invited to deliver an invocation at a city council meeting in Titusville.
When we launched less than two years later, these articles became the most read and debated. For a time period, I would receive up to 30 emails a day, mostly from the Wiccan and Pagan community, who began a campaign against the website. Ironically, the controversy and numerous incoming links helped our new website to quickly grow to over a million visitors and three million page accesses per year.
Since that time, the Witchcraft and Abortion series has taken on a life of its own. Eric Holmberg agreed that the new material should be incorporated into a Massacre of Innocence 2 script and produced as a new video. As I began to do more research, I discovered that Carole Novielli of Life Dynamics, Kendra Wilcox Thomas of Operation Rescue and others had compiled similar articles and books. These pieces detailing the relationship between witchcraft and abortion have since gone viral on the Internet. They have been selected as the topic of various sermons, translated into foreign language websites and cited in numerous books. For instance, former Human Life International president, Father Thomas Euteneuer heavily references both Massacre of Innocence and The Forerunner in his new book, Demonic Abortion.
With the help of our panel of experts, the script was rewritten a few times and has finally become The Abortion Matrix.