“The Occult Roots of Abortion” audio sermons on-line

This is from a pastor, Scott Johnson of North Fort Myers, Florida, who found my (co-written with Eric Holmberg) website article: The Occult Roots of Abortion. He preached a three part sermon reading the articles and expounding on the text relating it to scripture throughout.


I am amazed. I posted the .mp3 audio sermons on my website. Here are the links:


https://www.forerunner.com/audio/wicca2.mp3 https://www.forerunner.com/audio/wicca3.mp3

It is ironic. I sat down today to capture the audio for a video I have started on “Witchcraft and Abortion.” I was searching to see if there were any photos of these Wiccan abortionists on the Internet. I found these .mp3 files by chance. I wrote and edited the articles in 1993 and later combined this with Eric Holmberg’s Massacre of Innocence video script. There was a period of time in 1996 when I first posted my website that I would get up to 30 emails a day from enraged Wiccans who protested these articles. It was at that time that Forerunner.com was “discovered” by a mass audience of Wiccans and Pagans. Ironically their attention helped the fledgling website’s overall popularity in the search engines.

To think I spent several hours doing the audio for a video (that will later have to be redone by Eric Holmberg anyway) and I found a pastor on the Internet who had already done the same thing! I’ll be posting the video in segments on YouTube prior to the production of the final DVD.

Stay tuned.

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1 Comment

The occult roots of prenatal child-killing is shocking... Thank you for making this information available. I would also like to tell others about a book Kendra Thomas (Mrs. Rusty Lee Thomas) wrote called "Abortion Rites." You can find it posted on-line at ElijahMin.com. The abortion mills try to put a respectable facade on the death camps, but your work reveals their wicked foundation. Thank you for shining light on the darkness of child sacrifice, and may the good LORD destroy this work of darkness soon!

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