Leading Florida Social Activist Switches From Thompson to Huckabee

A well-known social activist here in the Orlando area, John Stemberger, has changed his endorsement from Fred Thompson to Mike Huckabee. Simply, Huckabee endorses a sanctity of life and marriage amendment to the Constitution, while Thompson does not.

John is the president of the Florida Family Policy Council (associated with James Dobson’s Focus On The Family) which is spearheading the Florida Marriage Protection Act, the only initiative that seeks to protect the definition of marriage in the state of Florida as between one man and one woman.

Contact: Alice Stewart of Huckabee for President, Inc., +1-501-324-2008 <

LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Jan. 14 /USNewswire/ — John Stemberger, a leading voice in the conservative movement of Florida has switched his personal endorsement in the race for the Republican presidential nomination from former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson to former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.
Stemberger will be co-chairing the Mike Huckabee Faith and Family Values Coalition for Florida, it was announced today after he informed the Thompson campaign of his decision.

“Governor Huckabee is without question the best candidate to breathe new life and fresh hope into a nation and its people who are fed up with scandal, corruption and big-money power politics. Mike Huckabee is a proven leader with executive experience and a solid record as a champion for pro-life and pro-family values,” Stemberger said. “As a result, he has won the trust of more social conservative leaders across America than any other candidate. He has also proven that he is a viable candidate who can take us all the way home by winning both the primary and the general elections.”

Stemberger is the founder of the Institute for Conservative Studies at Florida State University and has been one of the leading pro-life, pro-family advocates in Florida over the past 25 years. He was a lobbyist for Florida Right to Life and served as the Political Director for the Republican Party of Florida during the final campaign of former President George H.W. Bush.

“Like Ronald Reagan before him, Mike Huckabee can restore common sense conservative leadership to America both at home and abroad,” Stemberger said. “He will re-envision us to once again become ‘one nation, under God’ while ensuring ‘liberty and justice for all.”

Stemberger is a member of the Council for National Policy, the Arlington Group in Washington, D.C., and serves as the state chairman of Florida Marriage.org, the official sponsoring committee for the Florida Marriage Protection Amendment.

“John is a strong voice in the pro-life community. I welcome John’s support and help in getting out my message that I have been a consistent voice for the right to life,” Governor Huckabee said.

SOURCE Huckabee for President, Inc.


Did Mike Huckabee change his mind?

Mike Huckabee: It would please me because I think Roe v. Wade is based on a real stretch of Constitutional application — that somehow there is a greater privacy issue in the abortion concern — than there is a human life issue — and that the federal government should be making that decision as opposed to states making that decision.

So, I’ve never felt that it was a legitimate manner in which to address this and, first of all, it should be left to the states, the 10th Amendment, but secondly, to somehow believe that the taking of an innocent, unborn human life is about privacy and not about that unborn life is ludicrous.

—I believe right there he makes the statement that it should be LEFT TO THE STATES.

Seems to me Mike Huckabee agreed with Senator Thompson until he decided to run for President.

What does a Constitutional Amendment take to be ratified? -- Either a vote by state legislatures or a vote by elected representatives.

The two are not exclusive. It should be left to the states and the states -- not judges -- should change the Constitution.

I don't see where he said there should NOT be a human life amendment. If you can show me that, I'd appreciate it.

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