Mike Huckabee wins Kansas, Louisiana!

Two down, nine victories to go!

The ABC Coalition gains steam! (ABC: Anybody But ‘Cain!)

Mike Huckabee has won victories in Kansas and Louisiana once again taking states where John McCain led in the polls only a week ago. I hoped Huckabee could win Louisiana and maybe Kansas. When the early caucus results came in, I was surprised to see the results in Kansas where he trounced McCain. Then seeing him go ahead early in Louisiana and show well in Washington surprised me again.

As I predicted, McCain supporters are staying home in droves and conservatives are casting protest votes for Huckabee. I wrote earlier today about how Mike Huckabee can effectively block John McCain’s nomination by winning Louisiana, Kansas, Virginia, Mississipi, Nebraska, North Carolina, Kentucky, Maryland, Idaho, South Dakota, and Texas.

How Mike Huckabee can win big in 11 upcoming Republican primaries

Washington is now being contested due to the fact that McCain was declared the winner before all the ballots were counted. A surprise win in Washington would allow him a loss in a smaller state, but for now Texas and Virgina are must wins.

Huckabee gave a great speech at the CPAC meeting in Washington D.C. in the morning to thunderous applause. He lit a fire that is now spreading across America from the East to the Deep South to the Midwest to the Pacific Northwest!


I believe Mike Huckabee also won Washington, but it's being stolen by those who would rather have McCain as the Republican nominee.

We're praying for a Huckabee WIN!
It makes me so angry that for days the media has acted like its all over when Huckabee is actually not far behind at all. I've heard several times that a vote for Mike would be wasted. It makes me so angry. I'm glad so many others have learned not to believe the media lies. We'll be praying that its the Lord's will also!
Two things are for certain, Huckabee will go into the convention in second place and McCain won't have enough delegates even after the Texas primary in March. This thing won't be decided until May or later.

Then anything can happen. McCain is 71-years-old. He is physically handicapped and can't keep up the pace of a man 18 years younger than him.

Another thing they don't mention is that the delegate totals for McCain are approximations. The media experts automatically assume that the super delegates will go to McCain's column because he is the frontrunner. The media even gave McCain two super delegates from Louisiana even though he lost!

But in a brokered convention, these superdelegates would vote however they wanted.

The two most difficult prizes are Virginia and Texas. These are the next two big states that Huckabee has to win. If he wins both, then it even becomes not just possible LIKELY that McCain won't get a majority.

After that point, the media would start to pay attention to the possibility. We saw how wrong the polls have been and in fact most pollsters aren't even tracking the Republican race anymore.

In one way, it's better for the media pundits to assume McCain has it wroapped up, then Huckabee can fly in under t he rader with a few more big wins.

That being said, Virginia and Texas will be difficult because of the size and the lack of money Huckabee has to compete. It will take a miracle for him to win both decisively. But we believe in destiny and providence, don't we?

If he wins both Texas and Virginia, it will get much easier. He will just have to win seven or more smaller states to block McCain. Each of these are southern or midwestern states that have a conservative majority and a huge number of Christian Republicans.

In this best case scenario, Huckabee would still have to pick up several hundred delegates from Romney and the uncommitted super delegates after the South Dakota contest on June 3.

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