“Cursed is anyone who accepts payment to kill an innocent person” (Deuteronomy 27:25).
KISSIMMEE, Florida (www.forerunner.com) — Planned Parenthood’s facility at 610 Oak Commons Blvd, Kissimmee, Florida targets the Hispanic community and is the largest abortion mega center in Central Florida.

Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando (PPGO) takes part in the murders of approximately 3,000 precious children every year. In addition to that, they are using your hard earned tax dollars in the form of federal grant money to do it.
Reproductive Health Care Professional or Child Killer?
Jenna Tosh wrote in a press release that she is specifically targeting the Hispanic community by coming to Kissimmee to open the largest abortion center in Central Florida. “Four in 10 Latina teens experience at least one pregnancy before the age of 20, so we’re very excited,” said Tosh.
Join us in adopting Jenna Tosh and all abortion industry workers. Pray with us that they would repent of child murder and come to saving faith in Jesus Christ!
The Tosh.0 Comedy Central connection

Jenna’s brother-in-law, Daniel Tosh, is a big name in the trash TV industry. Frequent jokes about abortion and other “gross-out” humor is standard fare. Although this is not directly related to Jenna, one has to wonder what is going on in this family! Daniel has a peculiar obsession with abortion as seen in his comedy program.
Below: “Who Needs A New Pair Of Abortion Rally Shoes?” is one such example of the so-called humor of Jenna’s brother-in-law, Daniel Tosh.

In another sketch, Tosh plays a man who shows up at a Planned Parenthood abortion center with his girlfriend and says, “Let’s get that demon baby out of you.” Jenna Tosh’s husband Andrew and his brother Daniel were raised in nearby Titusville. Their father was a Presbyterian minister and missionary. Tosh has spoken in interviews about his struggle growing up as a “preacher’s kid.”

Abortion Facts and Planned Parenthood
Since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, abortion has ended the lives of over 55 million unborn babies. The average cost of ending a baby’s life is $450. Abortion is legal in the USA throughout pregnancy, in contrast to most of Europe, where elective abortion is only allowed up to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Over 120,000 second and third trimester abortions take place in the USA each year.
In the United States, the term “Person” refers to an individual who has certain inherent rights, such as the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These rights are protected by the U.S. Constitution and are bestowed by God. The intrinsic humanity of unborn children, by definition, means they are persons and their right to life should therefore be protected under the law. For more than thirty years, however, this has not been the case.
In America, this group of living human beings possesses personhood, but has no protection under the law. God has bestowed this precious gift of life, yet unborn children are being killed en masse every day.
Planned Parenthood’s net revenue increased to $1.21 billion in its organizational fiscal year ending on June 30, 2013, according to its new Annual Report 2012-2013. About 45% of that revenue – $540.6 million – was provided by taxpayer-funded government health services grants. In the same report, Planned Parenthood said that in the year that ended on Sept. 30, 2012 it did 327,166 abortions.
Planned Parenthood promises to help young women make a balanced decision about whether or not to have an abortion. But for every adoption referral Planned Parenthood makes, it performs 340 abortions. As the largest abortion provider in America, few will deny Planned Parenthood is in the business of selling abortion.
Planned Parenthood’s Statistical Smokescreens
Jenna Tosh recently claimed in an interview with Kissimmee City Commissioner Wanda Rentas that one of the “life saving services” that PPGO performs is breast cancer screening. PPGO advertized that they do mammograms in literature distributed at their Kissimmee “Open House” on May 14, 2014.
They have no mammography or radiology equipment of course. What they do is to instruct women to do self exams. (You know that piece of paper your doctor gives you?) They also do a few referrals to mammogram equipped medical centers and pocket part of the payment.
An article in The Cancer Letter says that Planned Parenthood may be doing more harm than good in that the vast majority of their clientele is under age 35 and can be harmed by false positive tests.
Regarding screening mammography, women in their twenties and thirties have never been shown to benefit. Indeed, the incidence of breast cancer is so low in this group—with or without screening—that millions and perhaps tens of millions of women would have to be randomized and followed up for extended periods to have any hope of showing a reduction in mortality—if there is one.
FACTCHECK.org recently showed that Planned Parenthood uses misleading statistics to inflate their claims of the number of “life saving” services they provide.
Contraception is one of the group’s largest categories of services provided — 33.5 percent of services in 2010. But that means Planned Parenthood provides other services, too. The largest category is testing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (38 percent). Cancer screening and prevention services — which would include breast exams — made up 14.5 percent of all medical services. Abortion made up 3 percent, with 329,445 abortion procedures in 2010.
Planned Parenthood says it served about 3 million people in 2010. That would mean about 25 percent of its clients received a breast exam or breast care, or about 1 in 4. About 11 percent of clients, or 1 in 9, received abortion services. Contraception services and STD testing and treatment totaled well over 3 million for each category.
If the unneeded cancer screenings are removed from the ratio, abortion services would then jump to about 15 percent (329,455 abortions per 2,250,000 clients).
Planned Parenthood can report the contradictory statistics they cite above by inflating the number of contraceptive services they provide – often counting one client as several “services.”
Planned Parenthood downplays that they are primarily an abortion clinic receiving an unprecedented amount of federal funding. If their contraceptive “services” were to be counted as one per client, then that ratio of abortion services would increase even more.
The Legacy of Margaret Sanger
As the editor of the magazine, Birth Control Review, she shared its pages with the racist co-founders of the American Birth Control League.
Board member Lothrup Stoddard wrote the racist book, The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy, which was reviewed favorably in Sanger’s publication.
Co-founder and board member, C.C. Little, was president of the Third Race Betterment Conference, and he advocated preserving the purity of “Yankee stock” through limiting the births of non-Whites.
In another article, the term, “race suicide” was used by Warren S. Thompson “to characterize the extinction of the older native stock and its replacement with the newer immigrant stocks — the Slavic, the Latin and the Hebrew.”

Sanger had such a low opinion of immigrants and ethnic minorities that she wrote, “Such human weeds clog up the path, drain up the energies and the resources of this little earth. We must clear the way for a better world; we must cultivate our garden” (Birth Control: Facts and Responsibilities, 1925).
Sanger continued to advocate for her racial prejudices in her magazine. In six successive issues, she advocated limiting the racial quotas of immigration of “the Slavic, the Latin and the Hebrew” because of their alleged lower intelligence!
In 1926, she spoke at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Silver Lake, New Jersey. Writing about the event in her Autobiography, she highlighted its success, noting that “a dozen invitations to speak to similar groups” were offered. Then in the summer of 1939, Sanger initiated the “Negro Project” to weed out the “unfit” from the black population.
Likewise, the lasting legacy of Jenna Cawley Tosh will be that people will remember her not as a crusader for a woman’s rights, but as a child murderer and a predator on the Latin and African American communities of Central Florida – unless she repents and calls on Jesus Christ as her Savior!
This will come as Christians share their faith and obey the Ephesians 5:11 mandate: “Have nothing to do with the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”
Please continue to pray for the conversion of Jenna Tosh and all abortion industry workers. Like many abortion advocates before her, such as Bernard Nathanson and Norma McCorvey, we pray that Jenna might repent and believe the Gospel of Life.

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