A power struggle among Ukraine’s ultra-nationalists looms on the horizon
The Nazi problem has only increased since 2022 and must be addressed. Although it sounds cruel, self-cleansing is the ideal way. “Tensions are mounting in Kiev amid concerns about a potential state coup, according to local and Western media reports. The rumors of a coup have stirred a political discourse focusing on the stability of the current Ukrainian government. Valery Zaluzhny, a key figure in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, is in the spotlight. He is believed to be the potential leader of the rumored coup. The speculations about the coup could mark the beginning of the end of Zelensky’s presidency” (Kyiv on Edge: Rumors of State Coup Threaten Zelensky’s Administration).
Background – Chief commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Stepan Bandera admirer, Valerii Zaluzhny, said in an interview with The Economist exactly a year ago today, that if the Western alliance did not give Ukraine a shopping list of tanks, weapons and air support, he might by the end of the summer be making a speech similar to that of another famous general who surrendered to the Russians.
I know that I can beat this enemy. But I need resources. I need 300 tanks, 600-700 infantry fighting vehicles, 500 Howitzers. Then, I think it is completely realistic to get to the lines of February 23rd. But I can’t do it with two brigades. I get what I get, but it is less than what I need. It is not yet time to appeal to Ukrainian soldiers in the way that Mannerheim1 appealed to Finnish soldiers. We can and should take a lot more territory.
The Ukrainians received all these supplies and more. Now Zaluzhny has said that he did not receive enough and that it was delayed to the time when it is impossible for the Ukrainians to win the conflict by taking back any substantial territory. One also wonders what they would do with these fiercely pro-Russian territories if they actually had them in their hands. It would be like trying to eat a porcupine. One of the ironies of current battle of Avdeevka is that most of the “Russian” soldiers slowly crushing what remains of the perimeter of the city are actually Donetsk Republic fighters, a population that Kiev considers to be Ukrainian. How would these soldiers and pro-Russian civilians be integrated back into Ukraine?
Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist, Seymour Hersh, writes a year later, in General to General: A potential peace is being negotiated in Ukraine by military leaders, that General Zaluzhny has already entered into negotiations with the Russian General Valery Gerasimov. The peace terms would be that Ukraine cannot have NATO troops in the country, but still could have some type of security arrangement as a token member. The agreement would not allow NATO to place offensive weapons in Ukraine, but defensive weapons systems would be permitted. Russia would keep the four regions that it has already taken plus Crimea, which acceded to Russia in 2014.
Seymour Hersh wrote:
One American official involved early on in the general-to-general talks told me: “This was not a spur-of-the-moment event,” he said. “This was carefully orchestrated by Zaluzhny. The message was the war is over and we want out. To continue it would destroy the next generation of the citizens of Ukraine.”
The official acknowledged that “there is no question” that Zaluzhny “had some help in deciding to go public from some key Americans.”
“What was the objective of this amazing story?” the official asked. “To get the Ukraine leadership”—meaning Zelensky and his coterie—“to agree to a settlement and to realize that to continue the war was self-destructive.” He said that there was what he called “a bigger objective”: to get the Ukrainian citizenry “to the point where they would agree to negotiations” to end the war.
However, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, not Zaluzhny, is still the president of Ukraine. So this story seems false on its face. Further, the real power to negotiate is with neither Zelenskyy nor Zalushny, but with the Ukrainian nationalists who control the Rada (parliament) and the presidential cabinet. There is a Ukrainian law signed by Zelensky that forbids direct negotiations with Russia while Putin is president. Yet a great amount of power lies with the military and its commanders if they would unite to defy Zelensky and the prohibitive law. The article claims Zaluzhny is negotiating not with Putin, but with the top Russian general Gerasimov. Likewise, only Putin and the Russian Duma have the authority to negotiate a peace treaty, not Gerasimov.
For this reason, I doubt that Hersh’s article is fully accurate, and it may not even be half correct.
That being said, it is possible that some behind the scenes discussions are taking place. This story presents similar terms as the alleged treaty that the Russians offered to Ukraine in March 2022, in which Russia would annex no territory, the Minsk Agreements would be implemented, Lugansk and Donetsk would have autonomy, and Ukraine would stay out of NATO. Yet to be agreed upon was whether both sides would forge a security agreement with the Western alliance.
What is false about Hersh’s article is the premise that it is the Russians who are looking for a peace deal to avoid a “long stalemate.” It is rather who Zaluzhny admitted in a follow-up interview with The Economist, “It would take a massive technological leap to break the deadlock.” On the contrary, Ukraine’s army is beginning to collapse all along the front lines in Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson. Russia has already secured a tactical victory. Ukraine cannot take back the the four regions as Zaluzhny promised in 2022. Casualty numbers on both sides are propagandized. However, most sources cite that at least 200,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed, plus hundreds of thousands of more casualties. We can reasonably know that casualties on the Russian side are lower than Ukraine (despite the “cloud of war” propaganda) simply because even Western sources admit that Russia has a 7 to 1 artillery advantage and far superior air power over Ukraine.

Furthermore, Russia has a military force of 2.2 million, a citizen population at least five times the size of Ukraine, and an economy that is now the largest in Europe in terms of GDP/PPP now ahead of Germany and just behind Japan.
Unless the United States were to send hundreds of thousands of troops to Ukraine, the war is unwinnable. Even then, Russia would mobilize its whole society to defend the Motherland. It is unlikely that the US could actually “win” a direct war with Russia. Even if the US could mobilize that many troops to the border of Ukraine, the state department would not be able to hide the large number of casualties from the American public. If university students are decrying the 10,000 people killed in Gaza, how might they react to the same number of Americans? But it’s still possible for the West to arm and kill hundreds of thousands of more Ukrainians for no reason except to support the government in Kiev and to pretend that Western hegemony is still intact.
The Fracturing of NATO and Russian Demands
The longer the war goes on, the more the economy of Europe will suffer, the more Ukraine’s ongoing Nazi problem will be exposed, and the more NATO will fracture. Hungary and Slovakia, now openly say they would deny Ukraine NATO membership. The Netherlands and Turkey are likely to follow suit. Poland has closed the shared border with Ukraine in essence crippling its economy.
In July, the Polish parliament adopted a resolution that includes “recognition of guilt” by Ukraine for the Volhynian massacre — anti-Polish ethnic cleansings conducted by Ukrainian nationalists in German occupied Poland through the summer of 1943. According to the resolution, “Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation, which representatives of both nations have been building for years, should also include an admission of guilt and perpetuation of the memory of the victims of World War II.”
Meanwhile, Canadian officials had to apologize … for paying tribute to a Ukrainian Canadian World War II veteran who was later revealed to be a member of the Nazi German Waffen-SS’s Galizien Division. Poland’s ambassador to Ukraine later told Canadian CTV News that “this is a person who participated in an organization that was targeting Poles, was committing mass murders of Poles, not only the military personnel but also civilians” (Slovakia may join two other NATO countries at odds with Zelensky).
Tactically, the Russians won a long time ago, but there probably won’t be any serious negotiations between Russia and the West until 2025. I’d argue that the Russians won in the first few days of the war when they took about 20 percent of the territories of Ukraine and secured their main objective of defending the Russian-speaking population, many of whom were also tied to Russia through dual citizenship.
So there is no real need for Russia to “negotiate” with a government that cannot legally do so, or with the top general who is a self-proclaimed Banderite. More likely any preliminary negotiations will be between Russia and the Western alliance. Two years later, Russia’s price for peace will be somewhat higher than it was in the beginning of 2022. Namely, Russia will demand territory up to the border along the Dnieper River and all along the Black Sea shore. Then what’s left of the Ukraine is not dangerous for Russia and therefore not that attractive anymore for the West. Ukraine also becomes entirely uninteresting to the European Union except as a liability. How do you operate a country stripped of its sea ports with virtually no GDP? At least in an economic alliance with BRICS+, Ukraine would retain access to the sea and could be built into an energy hub for Russian gas, oil pipelines to Europe and a conduit for China’s Belt and Road initiative.

The Russians will demand in negotiations the regions surrounding the cities of Kherson, Nikolaev, Kharkov, Dniepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Odessa, Izmail, Transnistria, Kiev; the regions east of Kiev, and anywhere else there is a near 50 percent self-identifying Russian population. They will leave the western (predominantly Ukrainian) provinces to security forces from Poland and Hungary. These are the former Polish regions of Lviv and Ivanovo-Frankivsk; and the Hungarian Transcarpathian region of Mukacheve and Uzhgorod. Russia would thereby avoid an occupation problem, which would be the Russian version of trying to swallow a porcupine.
However, the West and the Ukrainians will decline Russia’s offer. Then the war will continue until it becomes unreasonable to continue, or until Russia has taken what it wants anyway. At that point, Ukraine will auto-revert to the pre-2014 situation, with Ukraine being run by a pro-Russian government and tied to the Russian economy, but with the southern and eastern parts of historic “New Russia” ceded to the Russian Federation.
The Coming Neo-Nazi Coup and Civil War
In the meantime, the most likely short term outcome for Ukraine would be a coup — a Euromaidan Part 2 — with Zaluzhny or another Ukrainian general seizing power. Media sources are already reporting on the lack of support for Zelensky who has suspended presidential elections in March. The neo-Nazi’s coup would be followed by rigged elections as also occurred in 2014. The Ukraine government would try to continue the war, but would soon fail without Western aid. A coup would provide an “easy out” for the West in that NATO could claim that it could not legally support a government that had seized power — less so one led by a Stepan Bandera admirer — even while they officially deny their role in Euromaidan Part 1.
Much of the population will blame the nationalists for the disaster. Some of the more extreme nationalists will want to oust Zaluzhny for wanting to negotiate with Russia. In this part of the world, civil wars and violent factions commonly follow on the heels of big wars. The two most recent examples were during the Russian Revolution and Russian Civil War after World War I, when rival communist factions in western and eastern Ukraine allied with Austria-Hungary and Russia respectively; and the western Ukraine Banderite rebellion during WWII, after which the Ukrainian-speaking portions of Poland were transferred to the Ukrainian Soviet Republic.
The problem is that Nazi ideology must be somehow wiped out of people’s minds. The Ukrainian neo-Nazi government is far worse than Russian rule. Demilitarization and denazification are two of the main goals of the war announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Demilitarization is fairly easy to see happening. Russia is getting close to it, if not already there. Ukraine’s ability to fight relies 100 percent on western aid. But denazification is not that easy. Part of the population that won’t repent should somehow be utilized by those who realize that the real enemy are those who provoked the war by praising Ukrainian Nazism (ultra-nationalism).
Western media frequently ran exposés of the Nazi problem in Ukraine prior to 2022. Ukrainian nationalism took the form of oppressing Russians in Donbass; closing Russian schools everywhere; death squads killing pro-Russian journalists. This has led to a permanent militarization of police; secret trials; expulsion of Russian-speaking people; persecution of other minorities; adoption of Western degenerate social policies; and recently a turn against their own Ukrainian Orthodox Church. There are no competing political parties that haven’t been outlawed. There are no remaining alternative media sources that haven’t been shut down.
The question is not — How bad is it now really?
It is rather — How bad will it get?
A power struggle among Ukraine’s ultra-nationalists looms on the horizon.
What should we expect as the society further breaks down and the West abandons Ukraine?
The Nazi problem has only increased since 2022 and must be addressed.
Who is going to do that?
Although it sounds cruel in 2023, self-cleansing is the ideal way. It is much like the human immune system that eliminates every sickness from within. Moreover, Russia has a similar problem. They are now in the middle of the discussion of what to do with the part of Russian society that didn’t support this war — tycoons who “purchased” multi-billion dollar companies for nothing; former government officials, famous artists and bloggers who turned against Russia; ordinary fools engaged by Ukrainian intelligence to sabotage the closest electric transformer for a couple hundred bucks.
Soldiers returning from the war with thousands of unregistered firearms is fuel for a civil war. In Ukraine, it could be a real war with some battles, while in Russia it may be that the disloyal part of the society will be forced out of the country and the rest will be stricken with dishonor. If this sounds far-fetched, we should remember what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan after the US pulled out troops and ceased military aid.
I encourage people who are sympathetic to Ukraine, to keep being sympathetic. Be sympathetic to the Ukrainian people, but not the neo-Nazi element in the Kiev government and military. Likewise, be sympathetic to the Russian people and United Russia, but not the liberals, ultra-nationalists or communists. There are extremists who are minorities within each country, and wield too much influence in politics and the military.
In fact, the entire purpose of the West’s Ukraine Project was not to get victory on the battlefield, but to enforce sanctions in order to cause something similar to the Kiev Maidan revolution of 2014 — a Moscow-Maidan — in which some faction would topple Putin. Our own politicians knew well ahead of time of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s ill-fated march to Moscow. There has been some speculation that this was a coordinated a response that would have brought regime change in Moscow. However, that would never have made Russia safer for the West. For all intents and purposes, these efforts have only strengthened Russia, and have not weakened Putin’s support at home.
The only conclusion I can come to is that America’s leaders are stupid. They are as dangerous as a monkey with a razor blade.
The Big Picture
I encourage Ukraine supporters to look at the big picture. All of the wars that have been lost by America since Vietnam (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Russia, and now Gaza) are due to the fact that political leaders have tried to create a neoconservative world order in which the United States ruled the world (George H.W. Bush and W. Bush), or have promoted a Western neo-liberal globalist alliance (Bill and Hillary Clinton, Obama and Biden). The West has tried to force its political ideology and economic system on the rest of the world through the US dollar and by projecting political and military power. Now this is all collapsing. Like all great empires, the US overextended its military commitments, devalued USD currency to pay for it, and created many rivals through its aggressive posture. Instead of repenting and taking the steps to preserve something for the long-term, America’s neocon leaders are currently projecting national sins onto an imagined “axis of evil,” consisting of countries that pose absolutely no threat to the United States militarily.
US conflicts in Ukraine, Libya/Northern Africa, Syria, and now Israel, could actually be solved in one hour by stopping the military funding and conceding to some reasonable demands. The world is a different place than even a few years ago. The United States’ ability to wreak havoc through sanctions on pariah nations and kill millions in futile foreign wars is no longer a realistic option. The US hasn’t won any of these wars, and the surrounding countries see that as Henry Kissinger said, “To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.” They all know that America’s presidents have always abandoned every country they promised to help in the end.
The entire world now laughs at President Joe Biden. The president and US state department officials are purposefully kept waiting to meet with Middle Eastern leaders attempting to cool tensions in the region. Some have been snubbed and turned away. The US government still believes that it is the world’s leader, but the world outside the West no longer treats it so. China laughs at the United States’ attempts to slow it from producing 5K technology, and is now talking about beating us to 6K and 7K. Even President Javier Milei of Argentina wants ties with the United States economically only on the condition that Trump becomes president, which he believes is inevitable. He hates Biden. However, it is possible that things could be too far gone in January 2025 to salvage much of an advantage in tying the Argentinian national currency to the USD.
The Clash of Civilizations and the Multipolar World
In 1996, political science expert Samuel P. Huntington published his thesis, Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Part of Huntington’s thesis is that large civilization states are emerging that are based on national unity of culture, not ideology or politics. The major powers that have emerged are too big to fight each other without global catastrophic results. Therefore, regional conflicts will continue along the lines cleft nations (like Israel, Ukraine, Niger, etc.) that represent the fault lines between the great civilizations.
When these conflicts get out of hand the regional power will have the permission of other great powers to put their regional conflicts in order. Russia is a civilization state. Russia has gained that permission from all nations, except for the Western alliance. Russia will order the Russian world with or without Western interference. Even with hundreds of billions of dollars of military packages sent to Ukraine, Russia will prevail in the Russian sphere. We will soon find Russia, China, India and the Arab League dictating terms of peace in their own regions in order to solve regional conflicts rather than being blocked by the US.
No matter how you view geopolitics, the stark fact of the matter is that our legacy media is merely an extension of our state department and the Pentagon’s propaganda talking points. After the numerous lies about Vietnam, Israel, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Niger, etc., they continue the deception with a straight face. But the veneer is wearing thin. Much of the above is published outside the West, but our media suppresses it.
The goal of the neconservative and neoliberal globalists is to preserve the unipolar power of the US or the “West.” The emerging multipolar world is assumed by the “Rest.” The Bible teaches the expansion of the Kingdom of God, not the kingdom of Western liberalism, is destined to consume all nations. (Daniel 2:44,45).
The unipolar world died on February 22, 2022. Welcome to the multipolar world!
1 This refers to the surrender of Finland after the February 1940 “Winter’s War” in which Finland was aligned with Germany against the Soviet Union. The Finns decided that they must give in to the Soviet demands. Finland participated in the Second World War initially in a defensive war against the Soviet Union, followed by an offensive war against the Soviet Union acting in concert with Nazi Germany, and then finally fighting alongside the Allies against Germany.
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