Guerrero (Dye), Candace M. (owner) – Fort Pierce

Killing Place:

A Woman’s World Medical Center
503 S. 12th St.
Fort Pierce, Florida 34950


2264 SW Halissee St.
Port St. Lucie, FL 34953

Candace Dye, director of A Woman’s World abortion clinic in Ft. Pierce.

DOB: 10/15/1956

A Woman’s World is the only abortion clinic in St. Lucie county and has received numerous violations from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration.

Mrs. Guerrero, who often still uses her maiden name and other aliases on official records (see below), born 10/15/1956, was married to Arnold Guerrero 12/31/1996.

Aliases: Candace M. Dye, Candance L. Dye, Candace L. Dye, Candace Levenette Dye, Candace M. Guerrero

“12th and Delaware”:

A Woman’s World Medical Center along with Pregnancy Care Medical Center, was featured in the recent HBO documentary 12th and Delaware.

A Woman’s World Medical Center was also the location where more than 300 pro-life citizens on the Treasure Coast gather for the first annual Treasure Coast March for Life held January 22, 2011.

Behind the Door: What Really Goes on Inside an Abortion Clinic

By Anne C. Lotierzo

It’s 2012. She’s been in business since 1991. And she still can’t get it right.

Candace Dye, owner and administrator of “A Woman’s World Medical Center” – the Treasure Coast’s only operating abortion clinic, was recently visited by an inspector from Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration. The visit marked the fourth year in a row that deficiencies were noted in the clinic’s operation, and yet, the clinic remains in business.

Read more …

Ambulance Takes Woman from Fort Pierce Abortion Clinic

By Bryan Longworth, February 7th, 2011

Saturday morning, February 5, 2011, an ambulance was called to A Woman’s World Medical Center, in Fort Pierce, Florida to take one of the clients to the Lawnwood Hospital Emergency Room. Medical personnel held a sheet over the mom as she was placed in the ambulance. It is not known what happened or the condition of the patients (mom and baby).

Jim Thoma, who witnessed the paramedics cart the mother into the ambulance, commented, “It’s important for people to see how dangerous abortions are for the woman, especially at A Woman’s World where they have been consistently sited for being in violation of health codes when inspected. Please pray for the mother and that this will help shut A Woman’s World down!”

Family Research Council Reviews 12th and Delaware

A number of media outlets have written about a documentary on an abortion clinic and a pregnancy resource center (PRC) in Ft. Pierce, Florida, “12th and Delaware.”

Featured on HBO on August 2nd, 2010, the movie was hailed by groups such as NARAL Pro Choice America, who encouraged its followers to organize 12th and Delaware viewing parties. Although the movie is strongly advocated by abortion-rights groups, Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady, the producers – who also produced the movie Jesus Camp – make the (hard-to-believe) claim that the documentary is neutral and unbiased.

In truth, the movie appears to be another attempt to antagonize and attack the positive and life-affirming work of PRCs. The producers have a strong anti-life agenda and were not honest, nor transparent about their plans with the participants from the Pregnancy Care Center in Ft. Pierce. Reportedly Anne Lotierzo, Executive Director of the PRC that was filmed, was not shown an accurate version of the documentary as was promised, nor was she told that the abortion clinic across the street would also be filmed for the documentary. See Human Life International’s press release for more information

Care Net, a group representing over 1000 life-affirming PRCs issued a release on the movie, including the following quote: “if you watch the film, we challenge you to take notes and do your own research. Visit your local pregnancy center and find out about their work for yourself. Perhaps you’ve been a client of a pregnancy center yourself – what did you experience? We encourage you to share your story and let the truth be told.”

For the real story behind the heroic work of PRCs, visit A Passion to Serve, A Vision for Life.


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