Letter to the Department of Justice, 12/21/1999

Below is a transcript of the letter from U.S. Justice Dept. in Miami to local law enforcement agencies and abortion clinics dated 12/21/99 referred to in the letter to U.S. Representative Dave Weldon dated March 1, 2000.

Emphasis added
— (Comments added)

[Seal of the Department of Justice]
United States Department of Justice
Office of the United States Attorney
Thomas E. Scott
Southern District of Florida
99 N.E. Fourth Street
Miami, Florida 33132
(305) 961-9100

December 21, 1999

To: [Addressee redacted to protect the source of this letter.]

I am writing to invite you to a regional briefing of law enforcement officials on the nature and pattern of violence and potential violence against reproductive health care providers, and the responses available to law enforcement in reducing such incidents. The briefing is scheduled for Friday, January 14, 2000, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the second floor Media Room of the United States Attorney’s Office, 99 N.E. 4th Street, Miami, Florida. Lunch will be offered for $5.00.

The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) was signed into federal law in May 1994, following a long period of growing tension and violence at womens’ health clinics. Despite substantial progress, abortion clinic violence continues. The violence includes, shootings, arsons, bombings, butyric acid attacks, and anthrax threats.

This briefing is one of a number of such briefings being conducted nationwide , and follows the November 1998 creation of the National Task Force on Violence Against Health Care Providers by Attorney General Janet Reno. The briefing will include:

* Presentations by federal, state and local officials on investigating and prosecuting criminal and civil violations of FACE;

* Information on local and federal laws available to law enforcement (like trespassing, passing literature into cars, and doing business in the street and whatever else they can make up) for dealing with violent incidents against and harassment of reproductive health care providers;

* A review of security resources available to law enforcement(like putting up fences, and “no parking” signs everywhere and getting nearby businesses to sign trespassing affidavits. Click here for examples. )and clinics;

* A review by representatives of national organizations involved in clinic security (i.e., Sara Love, Legal Defense Director for the Feminist Majority Foundation)and local reproductive health clinics of current trends and patterns of violent activity in this region and throughout the country.

I encourage you to attend this briefing along with any other personnel you feel could benefit from this information. Also, I expect that clinics in this area will participate by sending key staff members and/or doctors (everyone but pro-lifers – what about equal protection under the law from our DOJ?)to exchange information about security issues. This briefing is designed to provide the most up-to-date information and resources available to assist you in addressing possible violence at reproductive health care clinics.

Please complete the attached confirmation form and mail or fax to Margarita Henry. Ms. Henry can be reached by telephone at 305-961-9056 and by fax at 305-530-7976. Reservations must be received by noon, January 12, 2000.

Very truly yours,
Thomas E. Scott
United States Attorney

Margarita Henry
Paralegal Specialist
Civil Rights Criminal Prosecutions Section
99 N.E. 4th Street
Miami, Florida 33132
Phone: 305-961-9056
Fax: 305-530-7976

January 14, 2000
9:30 am – 3:00 pm

Your Agency: ________________________
Number attending: ______________________
Names of participants: ___________________
Contact telephone #: _______________________
Fax #: _______________________
Number attending $5.00 luncheon: ______________

Image of letter transcribed above:

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