Nisbet, Kieron (worker, watchlist) – Hialeah

Killing Place:

Best Care Woman’s Center (closed)
8380 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33144

A series of articles in Miami newspapers in 2005 and 2006 told of unlicensed workers performing abortions.

In a Miami Herald article of Tues, July 19, 2005, Mary Ellen Klas, Herald Editor wrote:

Clinic’s two owners arrested

A Miami clinic lost its license and it’s owners were arrested in the second case involving the same unlicensed doctor performing abortions.

Jose Rodriguez, 52, and Magaly Gil, 56, both of Miami, were arrested and released on $5,000 bond after detectives concluded that they knew Kieron Nisbet was not licensed to practice medicine in Florida, Nisbet is alleged to have performed abortions in November at their clinic, Best Care Woman’s Center, 8380 SW 8h Street. Sgt Llevat of Miami-Dade unlicensed practitioner’s unit (305-477-1616) says that Gil & Rodriguez were arrested for “aiding & abetting.” When asked if administrator Siomara Senises could be charged for the same offense, Sgt Llevat said yes, “it’s in the Florida Statutes and Senises used three unlicensed people at her clinic also.”

On Thursday, January 6th, 2005, Miami Herald reporter Hannah Sampson wrote:

Another worker at the clinic, Kieron A. Nisbet, 34, of Homestead, is being sought for giving patients anesthesia while they underwent abortions even though he did not have a license.


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