Vergara, Natali (owner, administrator) – Hialeah, Miramar

Killing Places:

A Gyn Diagnostic Center
267 East 49th Street
Hialeah, FL 33013-1854

Miramar Woman Center
6161 Miramar Parkway
Miramar, FL 33023-3939


DOB: March 1964

Dead Baby Found In Abortion Clinic, Clinic Closed

St. Petersburg Times article dated December 25, 2004:

After Siomara Senises lost her Miramar Administrative license, Vice President & Treasurer Belkis Gonzalez helped to reopen and continue managing the Miramar clinic. Natali Vergara who moved in to the address of 19100 SW 24th St, a home in Miramar owned by Frantz Bazile, is now the current legal administrator of the Miramar clinic. Gonzalez, Bazile and Senises help Vergara to manage the Miramar facility. Belkis Gonzalez also lives at the same 19100 SW 24th St address and home of Frantz Bazile, along with Natalie Vergara.


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